
Damaged cultural sites in Ukraine verified by UNESCO

As of 20 December 2023,, UNESCO has verified damage to 334 sites since 24 February 2022 – 125 religious sites, 147 buildings of historical and/or artistic interest, 29 museums, 19 monuments, 13 libraries, 1 Archive.

UNESCO is conducting a preliminary damage assessment for cultural properties* by cross-checking the reported incidents with multiple credible sources. These published data which will be regularly updated do not commit the Organization. UNESCO is also developing, with its partner organizations, a mechanism for independent coordinated assessment of data in Ukraine, including satellite image analysis, in line with provisions of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.

*The term “cultural property” refers to immovable cultural property as defined under Article 1 of the 1954 Hague Convention, irrespective of its origin, ownership or status of registration in the national inventory, and facilities and monuments dedicated to culture, including memorials. 

21 damaged sites

Chernihiv Region

  1. Historic building of the regional youth center, formerly the Shchors Cinema – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  2. Church of St. Theodosius –   Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  3. The Military Historical Museum - a branch of the Chernihiv Historical Museum – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  4. Chernihiv regional library for Youth (former Vasyl Tarnovsky Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities) – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  5. St. Catherine Church of Chernihiv – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  6. Former District Court House in Chernihiv (built in 1904) – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  7. Chernihiv Regional Universal Scientific Library. V.G. Korolenko (built in 1910-13)  – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  8. St. Kazan Church – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  9. Memorial cemetery with a memorial sign to the dead and the chapel of St. Archangel Michael (built in 2014-21) – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  10. Voskresenska Church (built in 1913) – Lukashivka (Chernihiv region)
  11. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (built in 1801-04) – Novyi Bykiv (Chernihiv region)
  12. Central City Library M. Kotsiubynsky – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  13. Regional Art Museum. G. Galagana (built in 1899) – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  14. House of Culture – Ivanivka (Chernihiv region)
  15. Memorial house-museum and estate of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  16. House of Prayer of the Second Chernihiv Church of Christian Baptists – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)     
  17. The building of the former Chernihiv fire society – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  18. Chernihiv Regional Taras Shevchenko Theater – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  19. The building of the “Desna” Hotel (architectural monument of local importance) (Chernihiv region)
  20. The house in which the writer H. Uspenskyi lived (architectural monument of local importance) – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
  21. Building of the Post Office, 1956 (architectural monument of local importance) – Chernihiv (Chernihiv region)
39 damaged sites

Kyiv Region

  1. Ivankiv Museum – (Kyiv Region)
  2. Voznesens'ka Tserkva, Church of the Ascension – (Kyiv Region)
  3. Old church (Tserkva Heorhiyivsʹka) in Zavorychi village of Kyiv region – (Kyiv Region)
  4. Petro-Pavlivska Church – (Kyiv region)
  5. The Irpin Bible Seminary – (Kyiv region)
  6. Memorial monument to villagers who died in the Second World War – (Kyiv region)
  7. House of Culture (built in 1952-54) – (Kyiv region)
  8. Church of the Resurrection of Christ – (Kyiv region)
  9. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (built in 2008) – (Kyiv region)
  10. Monument to the fallen soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (established between 2014 and 2021) – (Kyiv region)
  11. Bust of Taras Shevchenko in Borodyanka (established in 1999) – (Kyiv region)
  12. Wooden Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (built in 1892) – (Kyiv region)
  13. Church St. Georgiy Pobidonosets in Irpin (built in 2021) – (Kyiv region)
  14. Convent of the Icon of the Mother of God "Uslyshatelnytsya" in Fasova village (built in 2012-16) – (Kyiv region)
  15. Holy Trinity Church (built in 1909-15) – (Kyiv region)
  16. Mass grave of soldiers and a monument to compatriots who died during the Great Patriotic War (established in 1951) – (Kyiv region)
  17. Memorial monument to Afghan soldiers – (Kyiv region)
  18. Church of Saints Elijah and Apostle Andrew the First-Called (built in 1997) – (Kyiv region)
  19. Local History Museum of Borodyanshchyna in Borodyanka – (Kyiv region)
  20. Central City Library in Irpin – (Kyiv region)
  21. Palace of Culture. T.G. Shevchenko – (Kyiv region)
  22. Monument to St. Archangel Michael in Borodiyanka (established in 2015) – (Kyiv region)
  23. Makarivska Public Library (building of the early twentieth century) – (Kyiv region)
  24. Monument to workers killed in World War II (renovated in 2016) – (Kyiv region)
  25. Church of St. John the Baptist – Moshchun – (Kyiv region)
  26. Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Lypivka (Kyiv region)
  27. Village Library – Pidhaine (Kyiv region)
  28. Makariv Public Library – Makariv (Kyiv region)
  29. Village House of Culture – Petrushky (Kyiv region)
  30. Khanenko Museum – Kyiv (Kyiv region)
  31. Holy Ascension Church – Luk'yanivka (Kyiv region)
  32. National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery" – Kyiv (Kyiv region)
  33. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Horenka – Horenka (Kyiv region)
  34. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnessess in Velyka Dymerka – Velyka Dymerka (Kyiv region)   
  35. National Palace of Arts "Ukraina" – Kyiv (Kyiv region)    
  36. National Museum Taras Shevchenko – Kyiv (Kyiv region)             
  37. National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – Kyiv (Kyiv region)    
  38. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv region)
  39. Teacher’s House – Kyiv (Kyiv region)
56 damaged sites

Kharkiv Region

  1. Orthodox church in Kamianka village of Izyum – (Kharkiv)
  2. Uspensky Cathedral - Assumption Cathedral – (Kharkiv)
  3. Kharkiv Court of Appeal building – (Kharkiv)
  4. Historical "Slovo" building – (Kharkiv)
  5. Kharkiv Art Museum – (Kharkiv)
  6. Church of the Holy Queen Tamara – (Kharkiv)
  7. Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater – (Kharkiv)
  8. Residential historical building in Kharkiv – (Kharkiv)
  9. Kharkiv State Scientific Library (Korolenko State Scientific Library) – (Kharkiv)
  10. Building of the faculty of Economics of Kharkiv National University – (Kharkiv)
  11. Building of the former "Palace of Labor" – (Kharkiv)
  12. Church of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women – (Kharkiv)
  13. Building of the former central lecture hall in Constitution Square (Kharkiv)
  14. Historic residential building of the XIXth century (Kharkiv)
  15. Memorial Complex of Glory in Kharkiv – (Kharkiv)
  16. The monument of architecture "house of the former store "Lux" (XIXth century) (Kharkiv)
  17. Drobytskyi Yar Holocaust Memorial (Kharkiv)
  18. Historical complex of building of fire department buit in 1886 – (Kharkiv)
  19. Former women's gymnasium (built in 1870s) – (Kharkiv region)
  20. Kharkiv school No 7 (built in 1906-07) – (Kharkiv)
  21. Building of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Izyum City Council (building of the XIXth century) – (Kharkiv region)
  22. Building of the Research Institute of Venereology (building 1889) – (Kharkiv)
  23. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (built in 1838) – (Kharkiv region)
  24. Church of the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ in Kharkiv (built in 1999-2001) – (Kharkiv)
  25. V.A. Afanasiev Kharkiv State Academic Puppet Theater (built in 1906-1907) – (Kharkiv)
  26. Holy Ascension Cathedral (All-Holy Church) in Izyum (built in 1826, completed in 1902-03) – (Kharkiv region)
  27. Church of the Cross  (built in 1809-23) – (Kharkiv region)
  28. Church of Saint Demetrios of Soluneia – (Kharkiv region)
  29. Former Palace of Culture for the railway workers in Kharkiv (Central House of Science and Technology of the Southern Railway) – (Kharkiv)
  30. Memorial to the Victims of Totalitarianism (built in 1991-2000) – (Kharkiv)
  31. Kharkiv Regional Palace of Children and Youth (House of Children's and Youth Creativity, built in 1851-53) – (Kharkiv)
  32. Church of the Transfiguration (built in 2011-13) – (Kharkiv)
  33. Church of St. George the Victorious – (Kharkiv)
  34. Strytenska Church in Lisne (built in 2018) – (Kharkiv region)
  35. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (built in 1991-96) – (Kharkiv region)
  36. Hryhorii Skovoroda National Literary Memorial Museum – Skovorodynivka – (Kharkiv region)
  37. City House of Culture – Derhachi (Kharkiv region)
  38. St. Andrew's Church – Kharkiv (Kharkiv region)
  39. Holy Assumption Church – Korobochkyne (Kharkiv region) 
  40. House of Culture – Lozova (Kharkiv region)
  41. Manor house (built in 1832) – Kharkiv (Kharkiv region)
  42. Mosque "Sunnah" – Kharkiv (Kharkiv region)
  43. Chuhuiv House of Culture – Chuhuiv (Kharkiv region).
  44. House of Culture – Prudyanka (Kharkiv region)
  45. Building of the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after. P. Vasylenko – (Kharkiv)
  46. Music school (building of the second half of the 19th century) – Izyum (Kharkiv region)
  47. Architectural monument of local importance - former Real School built in 1882 (Lyceum No. 4) – Izyum (Kharkiv region) 
  48. Polovtsian Stone Women (9th-13th centuries) – Izyum (Kharkiv region)  
  49. Holy Trinity Church (built in 1826) – Mala Komyshuvakha (Kharkiv region) 
  50. Church of St. Nicholas – Kupyansk (Kharkiv region)   
  51. House of Culture "Zaliznychnik" (built in 1926) – Izyum (Kharkiv region)
  52. Church “New Life” – Izyum (Kharkiv region)
  53. Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Verkhnii Saltiv" – Verkhnii Saltiv (Kharkiv region)
  54. Church of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God – Kharkiv (Kharkiv region)
  55. Kupyansk Local Lore Museum – Kupyansk (Kharkiv region)
  56. Kharkiv Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts (architectural monument of local importance) – Kharkiv (Kharkiv region)
12 damages sites

Zaporizhzhya Region

  1. Church of St. Tikhon of Zadonsky – (Zaporizhzhya region)
  2. Historical and Architectural Museum "Popov Manor" (Historical and architectural museum reserve "Sadyba Popova", complex of the 19th century) – (Zaporizhzhya region)
  3. Former House of Heinrich Janzen (built in the late nineteenth century) – Orikhiv (Zaporizhzhya region)
  4. Zaporizhzhya-ii Railway station (architectural monument of local significance built in 1904) – Zaporizhzhya (Zaporizhzhya region)
  5. Mass grave of soldiers of the Second World War (monument of local importance) – Verbove (Zaporizhzhya region)
  6. Church in honor of Martyr Oleksander – Termirivka (Zaporizhzhya region)
  7. Urban planning monument of local importance-Residential building (1953-54) – Zaporizhzhya (Zaporizhzhya region)
  8. Center of Culture and Sports – Huliaipole (Zaporizhzhya region) 
  9. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Huliaipole – Huliaipole (Zaporizhzhya region)
  10. Mala Tokmachka House of Culture – Mala Tokmachka (Zaporizhzhya region)   
  11. Church of the Archangel Michael (built in 1906) – Komyshuvakha (Zaporizhzhya region) 
  12. Evangelical Christian Baptist Church – Kam’yans’ke (Zaporizhzhya region)    
3 damaged sites

Zhytomyr Region

  1. Orthodox church near Zhytomyr (Church of the Blessed Virgin of the Ovruch Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church) – (Zhytomyr Region)
  2. Church of St. Nicholas (Church of the Holy Veil defrocked Archimandrite Agathangelos) – (Zhytomyr Region)
  3. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnessess in Ovruch – Ovruch (Zhytomyr region)  
85 damaged sites

Donetsk Region

  1. Svyatogorsk Holy Dormition Lavra – (Donetsk region)
  2. Church of St. Nicholas of Myrlikiysky Wonderworker – (Donetsk region)
  3. Chapel of the Holy Martyr Tatiana – (Donetsk region)
  4. Church of Christ the Savior (Tserkva Khrysta Spasytelya) – (Donetsk region)
  5. The Drama Theater in Mariupol –  (Donetsk region)
  6. Our Lady of Kazan Orthodox Cathedral in Marinka–  (Donetsk region)
  7. Monument to Metropolitan Ignatium of Mariupol in Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  8. St. Archangel Michael Church in Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  9. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Mourners" – (Donetsk region)
  10. The Holy Transfiguration Church – (Donetsk region)
  11. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker – (Donetsk region)
  12. Church of the Nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary in Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  13. St. Dmytrivska Church (built in 1850-61) – (Donetsk region)
  14. Mariupol Museum of Local Lore – (Donetsk region)
  15. Residential building of the XIXth century in Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  16. Residential buildings in Mariupol (1930-41) – (Donetsk region)
  17. Monument to V.G. Korolenko in Mariupol (installed in 1966) – (Donetsk region)
  18. City palace of Culture in Mariupol (built in 1952) – (Donetsk region)
  19. St. Volodymyr's Church in Mariupol (built in 1999-2000) – (Donetsk region)
  20. Church Vifaniya in Mariupol (building of the early XXI century) – (Donetsk region)
  21. Yuryev's House in Mariupol (building of the late nineteenth century) – (Donetsk region)
  22. City palace of Culture "Ukrainian House" in Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  23. Palace of Culture "Iskra" (building 1960) – (Donetsk region)
  24. Center for Contemporary Art and Culture named after A. Kuindzhi in Mariupol (built in 2004) – (Donetsk region)
  25. Palace of Culture "Molodizhny" in Mariupol (built between 1887-1910) – (Donetsk region)
  26. Chaika House of Culture in Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  27. Holy Trinity Church in Mariupol (built in 2010) – (Donetsk region)
  28. School of Arts in Mariupol (built in 1953) – (Donetsk region)
  29. Estate of A. Tregubov (buildings of the end of XIXth - beginning of XXth century) – (Donetsk region)
  30. House with a spire tower in Mariupol (built in 1953) – (Donetsk region)
  31. Central City Library V.G.Korolenko in Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  32. Building of the former Alexander Men's Gymnasium (built in 1894-99) – (Donetsk region)
  33. Artem House of Culture (built in 1926) – Lyman – (Donetsk region)
  34. St. George's Church – Dolyna – (Donetsk region)
  35. House of Culture named after Karl Marx and Museum of the History of Ilyich complex – Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  36. Holy Transfiguration Church – Mariupol – (Donetsk region)       
  37. Holy Dormition Church – Mariupol – (Donetsk region)
  38. Church of the Blessed Virgin "Joy of All Who Sorrow" – Bohorodychne (Donetsk region)
  39. Wooden All Saints' Hermitage – Sviatohirsk (Donetsk region)
  40. St. Nicholas Church – Lyman (Donetsk region)
  41. Church of St. Theodosius of Chernihiv – Stavky (Donetsk region)
  42. Volodymyrska baptismal church – Lyman (Donetsk region)            
  43. Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium (built in 1894)  – Mariupol (Donetsk region)
  44. Pokrovsky Monastery – Lyman (Donetsk region) 
  45. Building of the early twentieth century that houses a synagogue – Mariupol (Donetsk region)
  46. Church (Former Choral Synagogue) – Mariupol (Donetsk region)
  47. Church of the Winners – Slovyansk (Donetsk region)
  48. Music School – Sviatohirsk (Donetsk region)   
  49. Cultural Centre of the Federation of Greek Societies of Ukraine – Mariupol (Donetsk region)     
  50. Church of St. Makaria – Toretsk (Donetsk region)
  51. Cultural Center "Meotida" – Mariupol (Donetsk region)
  52. House of Culture (a building of the middle of the XXth century) – Mariupol (Donetsk region)     
  53. Residential Building in Mariupol (Built in 1880) – Mariupol (Donetsk region)   
  54. Technological Lyceum (1936 building) - Mariupol (Donetsk region)   
  55. Building of the city center for Culture and Leisure (built in 1902, reconstructed in 1924) – Bakhmut (Donetsk region)
  56. Chapel in Bohorodychne – Bohorodychne (Donetsk region)
  57. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Verkhn'okam'yans'ke (Dontesk region) 
  58. Holy Assumption St. Nicholas-Vasilyevsky Monastery – Mykil's'ke (Donetsk region)   
  59. Church Word of Truth – Mariupol (Donetsk region)   
  60. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Marinka – Marinka (Donetsk region)   
  61. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Volnovakha – Volnovakha (Donetsk region)
  62. Al-Qadar Mosque – Bakhmut (Donetsk region)
  63. Church "Salvation Pier" – Mariupol (Donetsk region)
  64. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mariupol – Mariupol (Donetsk region)
  65. Steam Mill (Monument of industrial architecture of the beginning of the XXth century) – Niu-York (Donetsk region)
  66. Library branch n°1 – Chasiv Yar (Donetsk region) 
  67. Palace of Culture – Kostyantynivka (Donetsk region)      
  68. Palace of Culture – Marinka (Donetsk region)      
  69. Donetsk regional museum of Local Lore – Donetsk (Donetsk region)
  70. Church of St. Nicholas – Mykil's'ke (Donetsk region)
  71. Bantysh Manor – Prelesne (Donetsk region)
  72. Music school – Marinka (Donetsk region)
  73. Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious – Heorhiivka (Donetsk region)
  74. House of Culture (built in 1950) – Niu-York (Donetsk region)
  75. Bakhmut Museum of Local Lore – Bakhmut (Donetsk region)
  76. Church of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary – Bakhmut (Donetsk region)
  77. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Bakhmut (Donetsk region)
  78. Evangelical Christian Baptist House of Prayer – Bakhmut (Donetsk region
  79. St. John the Baptist Church – Bakhmut (Donetsk region)
  80. Church of the Annunciation – Bakhmut (Donetsk region)
  81. Palace of Culture – Chasiv Yar (Donetsk region)
  82. Church of Saint John Chrysostom – Bakhmut (Donetsk region) 
  83. Church of the Intercession – Klishchiivka (Donetsk region)
  84. Church of the Intercession – Opytne (Donetsk region) 
  85. Transfiguration church – Kodema (Donetsk region)
34 damaged sites

Luhansk Region

  1. St. Catherine's Church (Katerynynsʹka Tserkva) – (Luhansk region)
  2. Church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in Sverodonets – (Luhansk region)
  3. Islamic Cultural Centre "Bismillah" in Severodonetsk– (Luhansk region)
  4. Church of the Nativity in Severodonetsk– (Luhansk region)
  5. St. Tykhvin Church – (Luhansk region)
  6. St. Nicholas Chuch – (Luhansk region)
  7. Church of St. Luke of Crimea (building of the early XXI century) – (Luhansk region)
  8. Building of the former Soda barracks (Built in 1895) – Lysychansk – (Luhansk region)
  9. Three Saints Church – Popasna (Luhansk region)
  10. Youth Center (Building of the former club of engineers) – Lysychansk (Luhansk region)
  11. Popasna Railway station (architectural monument of local significance, built in 1878-93) – Popasna (Luhansk region)
  12. Church of the Pochayiv Icon of the Mother of God – Rubizhne (Luhansk region)
  13. Palace of Culture "Diamond" (built in 1952) – Lysychansk (Luhansk region) 
  14. Palace of Culture of Chemists (built in 1967) – Severodonetsk (Luhansk region)  
  15. Luhansk Regional Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater – Severodonetsk (Luhansk region)    
  16. Palace of Culture – Rubizhne (Luhansk region) 
  17. Building of the Lysychansk State Mining and Industrial College  – Lysychansk (Luhansk region)
  18. Severodonetsk Central City Library – Severodonetsk (Luhansk region)
  19. College of Culture and Arts – Severodonetsk (Luhansk region)
  20. Church of St. Feodosiy of Chernihiv (built in 1896-1902) – Mykhailvka (Luhansk region)
  21. Chapel in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarovsky – Severodonetsk (Luhansk region)
  22. Church of the Holy Spirit (building of the beginning of the 21st century) - Severodonetsk (Luhansk region)
  23. Lysychansk Music School – Lysychansk (Luhansk region)
  24. St. Nicholas Church (built in 1873-82) - Borivs'ke (Luhansk region)
  25. Holy Intercession Church – Kreminna (Luhansk region)
  26. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Severodonetsk – Severodonetsk (Luhansk region) 
  27. Church of St. Matrons of Moscow – Rubizhne (Luhansk region)
  28. Rubizhne School of Arts – Rubizhne (Luhansk region)
  29. House of Culture in Rubizhne – Rubizhne (Luhansk region) 
  30. Prayer House “Christ is the Answer” – Rubizhne (Luhansk region)
  31. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnessess – Rubizhne (Luhansk region)
  32. City Concert Hall – Severodonetsk (Luhansk region)
  33. Chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" – Rubizhne (Luhansk region)
  34. St. Mitrofan's Church – Lysychansk (Luhansk region).
12 damaged sites

Sumy Region

  1. Okhtyrka City Museum of Local Lore – (Sumy region)
  2. Architectural monument of the former People's House (1911-1914) – (Sumy region)
  3. Historical monument f architecture of national importance - the house of the estate manager L.E. Koenig (1911) – (Sumy region)
  4. Monument in honor of the 183rd Tank Brigade (WW2) – (Sumy region)
  5. Okhtyrka City Council (building of the 20th century) – (Sumy region)
  6. Locomotive depot "Smorodyne" (building 1877) – (Sumy region)
  7. The main house museum of the estate L.E. Koenig (building from the late XVIII century – 1870; part of Trostyanetsky Museum and Exhibition Center) – (Sumy region)
  8. Mass grave of Soviet soldiers and Monument in Velyka Pysarivka village – (Sumy region)
  9. Architectural monument of local significance Shop of merchant F. Kuril (built in 1908) – Trostyanets (Sumy region)
  10. Mass grave of Soviet soldiers (built in 1943, 1959) – Bytytsya (Sumy region)    
  11. Soldats'ke Village libsrary – Soldats'ke (Sumy region)
  12. Trostyanets Forest Museum and research station – Trostyanets (Sumy region)
8 damaged sites

Mykolaiv region

  1. Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (built in 1852) – Kyselivka (Mykolaiv region)
  2. Turkish well monument of the 18th century – Hurivka (Mykolaiv region)
  3. City Palace of Culture – Ochakiv (Mykolaiv region) 
  4. Palace of Culture "Korabelny" – Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv region)
  5. Mykolaiv Academic Art Drama Theater – Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv region)
  6. Palace of creativity of students – Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv region)   
  7. Former Mariinsky Gymnasium (built in 1892) – Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv region)
  8. Mykolaiv Culture Center of folk art and art education (Architectural monument of local importance) – Mykolaiv (Mykolaiv region).
2 damaged sites

Vinnytsya region

  1. Officers' House (Monument of architecture and urban planning of local importance built in the 1930s) – Vinnytsya (Vinnytsya region)
  2. Church of St. George the Victorious – Vinnytsya (Vinnytsya region) 
49 damaged sites

Odesa region

  1. Odessa Fine Arts Museum – Odesa (Odesa region)
  2. Odesa Archaeological Museum – Odesa (Odesa region)
  3. Odesa Maritime Museum– Odesa (Odesa region)
  4. Odesa Literary Museum- Odesa (Odesa region)
  5. St. Nicholas Church - Odesa (Odesa region)
  6. Transfiguration Cathedral – Odesa (Odesa region).
  7. Chyzhevych's residential building (mid-nineteenth century, architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region).
  8. Residential buildings Solomos (early twentieth century, architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region).
  9. 268. Manuk-Bey's mansion (1845-1846, where in 1848 Gogol writer lived - Architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  10. The house in which F.F. Radetskyi, the hero of Shipka, lived in 1889-1890 (built in 1850) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  11.  Pommer's mansion (built it 1893-1894) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  12.  House of Scientists (Tolstoy Palace) (1830-1890) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  13.  The complex of mansions (first half of the XIX century) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  14. The house where Emil Mlynarski, a Polish composer, lived and worked in 1893-1895 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  15. Odesa Stolyarsky State Music Lyceum (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  16. Building of Passage and hotel “passage” (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  17. Museum of Western and Oriental Art – Odesa (Odesa region)
  18. Residential house, late XIX century (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  19. The ensemble of the Brzozowski ("Shah") Palace, including the palace, services, and private residence, 1851-1852 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  20. Residential building Massa, 1870-1880 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  21. Residential house of M.G. Korone, 1900 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  22. Naum's apartment building, early XX century (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  23. The Porro (Bistra) House (XIX century) where in 1906-1926 Kirsanov, a poet, lived and worked (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  24. Residential building and Kovalevsky's outbuilding (1846 - late XIX century) where in 1897-1925 lived B.F. Verigo, physicist and professor (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  25. Zabludowski's apartment building with an outbuilding, 1890, 1906 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  26. The Dialigmeno House, 1880s (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  27. House of Blaramberg I. P. - one of the first researchers of the history of the Northern Black Sea region, archaeologist and numismatist, which was visited by Pushkin A. S. and Batyushkov K. M. - poets in 1820-1835 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  28. The building of the Myakienko gymnasium (1911, architect A.I. Holzvrum), where in 1932-1941 the Hero of the Soviet Union H.F. Potemkin studied (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  29. Profitable house of the Exchange Artel, late XIX century (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  30. The building of the Merchant Marine School (1904, architect L.L. Vlodek), where they studied: Marinesko OI - submariner, Hero of the Soviet Union; Sledziuk. O. K. - Hero of Socialist Labor and others (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  31. Lerche profitable house, 1823-1826 (architectural monument of national importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  32. Palace, 1823-1825 (architectural monument of national importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  33. Zolotarev House, Mass, 1820s-1872 (architectural monument of national importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  34. Old Trade Exchange Building (Old Exchange), 1834 (architectural monument of national importance) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  35. Gerbolini residential building, 1841 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  36. Papudov's warehouse building, 1850-1852 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  37. House of the Credit Society, 1881 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  38. Tolstoy's apartment house, 1880 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  39. A residential building as part of the Von-Deschy house complex, which was inhabited by: in 1920-1940, T. Hurtovyi - conductor, People's Artist; V. Pokotylo - surgeon, professor (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region)
  40. Janusz's apartment building, 1901 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  41. Zhdanova's apartment building (1901-1902) where Totskyi I.K. lived - Ukrainian opera singer, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  42. Apartment building (Zhdanova), 1910 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  43. Tolstoy's mansion,1906 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  44. Gagarin's apartment building, late XIX century (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  45. Yurievych's apartment building, early twentieth century (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  46.  Rafalovych's house (Central Hotel) mid-nineteenth century (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  47. Papudova's house, 1832-1833 (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  48. The house where K.K. Pygrov, choirmaster, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, professor, lived (architectural monument of local importance) – Odesa (Odesa region) 
  49. Vorontsov Palace – Odesa (Odesa region) 
1 damaged sites

Dnipropetrovs’k region

  1. St. Oleksii Church – Velyka Kostromka (Dnipropetrovs’k region)
11 damaged site

Kherson region

  1. Historical monument of local importance - Building of the former German gymnasium (built in 1912) – Vysokopillia (Kherson region)
  2. Assumption Church (built in 1811-1835) – Beryslav (Kherson region)
  3. Holy Assumption Church (Built in 1883) – Vysokopillia (Kherson region)
  4. Kherson Academic Regional Puppet Theater – Kherson (Kherson region)
  5. State Archive of Kherson Region (branch) – Kherson (Kherson region)
  6. House-Museum of Polina Raiko – Oleshky (Kherson region)
  7. Kherson Regional Universal Scientific Library – Kherson (Kherson region)
  8. St. Catherine's Cathedral – Kherson (Kherson region)
  9. Kherson State house of Art (Gate of the "Labour Reserves" club, 1950) – Kherson (Kherson region)
  10. Ostap Vyshnia House Museum – Krynky (Kherson region)
  11. House of Culture – Vysokopillya (Kherson region)
1 damaged site

L’viv region

  1. The building of the residential complex for teachers of the L’viv Polytechnic – L’viv (L’viv region)

Press contact

Thomas Mallard
Press officer

Phone: +33145682293