
Sustainable management of natural resources and climate change

Working with farming families in Peru, local NGO Huñuq Mayu draws on ancestral knowledge to develop new ecological methods to manage water and improve crop yield.
Photo of a farmer sitting with her hat on working with her plantation in Peru

To support local communities and fight against poverty, Rocio Palomino, Director of Swedish NGO Diakonia, teamed up with local association Huñuq Mayu. The main challenge? Tackling water shortages resulting from global warming to optimise farming production and boost local income.  

The result? A project in the La Mar region aiming to protect the food security and health of local rural communities, who live high in the Andes and depend on family and livestock farming. Committed to gender egality, social and economic justice, Diakonia works with Huñuq Mayu to help farmers save and channel water. 

New water management systems 

By involving farmers and respecting ancestral knowledge, the project team developed ecological water management techniques to increase productivity and enable families to move away from subsistence farming and sell excess produce. Improved growing conditions have also enabled local farmers to introduce new organic crops – including 150 varieties of potato. 40 communities between Ayacucho and Apurímac have already benefited from these water systems. 

Would you like to find out more? Keen to get involved?  

Photo of a group of farmers working in the fields to create a sustainable irrigation system in Peru
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Two-farmers-working-with-ancestral-knowledge-in-the-fields -Huñuq-Mayu-Peru
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Project began: 01/01/2017 

Leading organisation: Huñuq Mayu

The country where the team is based: Peru

Covered Countries: Peru

Theme: Education for Sustainable Development, Local and Indigenous Knowledge

Sub-themes: Agriculture, Climate change, Climate change, Environment, Environment, Food and food security, Gender equality and women's empowerment, Knowledge sharing, Knowledge sharing, Natural resource management, Natural resource management, Poverty and inequality reduction, Resources management

Tag: #Women #Youth 

Project needs


  • Equipment supply 

  • Financial management 

  • Strategy/advocacy 

  • Training 

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