Header photo with polaroid pictures of UNESCO Green Citizens projects against a turquoise background

UNESCO Green Citizens

A global voice for local actors of change.


UNESCO Green Citizens is the bridge between UNESCO’s scientific expertise, local citizen solutions and young people’s willingness to act against climate change.

UNESCO has identified over 150 local initiatives across 65 countries which are citizen driven, innovative, impactful, and replicable solutions across five key themes for the fight against global warming and to preserve the environment: Biodiversity, Ocean, Education for Sustainable Development, Indigenous and Local Knowledge, and Hydrology.

Discover the changes UNESCO Green Citizens are operating on the ground, get inspired and join them. Discover people like you! #UnescoGreenCitizens

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Geographical map of the world from above

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"UNESCO Green Citizens is a great initiative that gives us visibility. It shows that there are solutions and has been an important source of information."

- Anaïs Toro-Engel, 
  Energy Observer Solutions

Picture of people hiking in the mountains
"UNESCO Green Citizens allowed us to benefit from a significant leverage effect in supporting our project. It also allowed us to bring more people on board with us and to gain visibility"

- Bare Learning

Picture of two women making sustainable products

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