
General information
  The Lanzarote Biosphere Reserve is made up of the northernmost island of the Canary Archipelago. It covers 84600 ha including the northern minor islands.
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Total population
129,310.00 ha
Total terresterial area
90,610.00 ha
Total Marine area
38,700.00 ha
Latitiude: 29.02 - Longitude: -13.64
Ecological Characteristics
The Island is relatively flat (maximum altitude 670 m), of volcanic origin, with vast lava fields, known as malpais, and a profusion of craters in the Timanfaya National Park.There are also shallow sea beds harbouring a great wealth of biodiversity.The climate is dry sub-tropical, with trade winds and a mean annual rainfall of 115 mm, and no permanent water courses. The vegetation is xerophyllus adapted to storing and retaining humidity. There is a high number of endemic species.The island culture developed a series of adaptations to trap and use the scantand unpredictable rainfall.This is the case of agricultural techniques for sowing under ash and volcanic sheet flows under inverted cones forming unique landscapes such asthose of the Geria valley.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
The primary sector has gradually lost importance vis-à-visthe tourist sector that has a network of centres designed by the Lanzarotan artist César Manrique.These blend perfectly with the natural environment. The Cabildo limits urban excess through the Insular Land Plan, adopted in 2001 by the Government of the Canaries.The Biosphere Reserve Council undertakes defence in general interests.