Los Ancares Leoneses

General information
The Los Ancares Leoneses Biosphere Reserve is located in the extreme northeast of the province of Leon. The reserve is named after the major river Ancares which flows through the area. Other extensive rivers within the region are the Cúa, Burbia and Ancares. The biosphere reserve belongs to two major hydrographic basins, namely the Cuenca Norte and Cuenca del Mino. Three sub-regions can be found within the reserve: Valle de Ancares, Valle de Fornela and Alto Burbia. The boundaries of the reserve are marked by three mountains – la Sierra del Caurel in the west, la Sierra de los Ancares in the northeast and Cordillera Cantabrinca in the north. The highest peaks are found in the northeastern and southwestern parts of the reserve: Cuina (1,998 metres), Miravalles (1,996 metres), El Mostellar (1,924 metres) and Penarrubia (1,826 metres).
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Total population
56,786.00 ha
Total terresterial area
56,786.00 ha
Latitiude: 42.79 - Longitude: -6.75
Ecological Characteristics
The major ecosystem types in the biosphere reserve are Atlantic mountains. Other habitat types include heathlands, meadows and bush lands. Characteristic flora species arePinus sylvestris(Scots pine) andCastanea sativa(Sweet chestnut). Moreover, coniferous and deciduous forests can be found throughout the reserve, their location depending on the mountain level and the influences of the Atlantic and Mediterranean climate.Sorex minutus(Pygmy shrew),Myotis daubentonii(Daubenton’s bat) andPasser domesticus(house sparrow) are common fauna species, whileNeophron percnocterus(Egyptian vulture) andCircus pygargus(Montagu’s harrier) belong to the most endangered species in all of Spain. The Los Ancares Leoneses Biosphere Reserve is not only home to endemic fauna species, for example,Lepus castroviejoi(broom hare) andPerdix perdix(a special type of grey partridge), but also to endangered animals, such asUrsus arctos(brown bear).
Socio-Economics Characteristics
The Los Ancares Leoneses Biosphere Reserve used to be a barely inhabited and isolated area that only had minimal communication with other villages. In consequence, the area gained a mysterious reputation among outsiders. Today, about 7,111 people inhabit the area on a permanent basis (2005 figures), while around 9,395 visit Los Ancares Leoneses seasonally (2001 figures). The nearest major town is Ponferrada, and the main economic activities are livestock, tourism, mining and forestry.The sustainable use of natural resources is of great importance in the reserve. The local people also celebrate traditional festivals with decorated costumes, one of the most important being the anniversary of ‘Magdalena’, the lady of Trascastro and the Virgin of Fombasalla. Several sacred sites, such as La Cruz del Castro, are located within the reserve. Many myths and traditional beliefs still influence the lifestyle of inhabitants. For example, a strong odour of wax or frankincense indicates the presence of a moribund family member within the house. After the death and burial of this family member, the sound of a drum roll, called the ‘Tambor da Morte’, is said to signify the departure of the spirit. The inhabitants of the reserve have also preserved particular expressions and jargons, and the certain pronunciation of common words, which derive from Galician, Spanish and Asturian origins.