ASPNet main image

UNESCO Associated Schools Network

The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) connects more than 12,000 schools in 182 countries around a common goal to build peace in the minds of children and young people. Through concrete actions member schools promote the ideals of UNESCO valuing rights and dignity, gender equality, social progress, freedom, justice and democracy, respect for diversity and international solidarity. The Network operates at international and national levels with three clear priorities: education for sustainable development, global citizenship education and inter-cultural and heritage learning.

ASPnet key initiatives

Education for sustainable development, global citizenship education and inter-cultural and heritage learning

COVID-19 crisis

Students and teachers share their stories

How to join the Network

The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) currently connects 12,000 schools worldwide around work to promote UNESCO ideals and, in particular, the themes of education for sustainable development, global citizenship education and inter-cultural and heritage learning. Membership is open to all public or private schools and teacher training institutions recognized by national authorities. Both formal and non-formal institutions providing pre-primary, primary, secondary, technical or vocational education, or teacher training, can apply.  

If you represent an institution which is interested in joining please contact the ASPnet National Coordinator or the National Commission for UNESCO in your country who can provide you with further information. Please also familiarize yourself with UNESCO values and consult with your school community (principal, teaching and administrative staff, school board, student representatives, families) and seek their agreement and support. The entry process consists of a national pre-selection and, upon the recommendation of the National Coordinator, a review for formal admission and international certification by UNESCO.

List of ASPNet national coordinators

are members worldwide

countries have ASPnet schools
years of existence

for the network

Teaching and learning indigenous languages: inspiring practices from the UNESCO Associated Schools Network
UNESCO Associated Schools Network: guide for members
UNESCO Associated Schools Network: guide for national coordinators