When :
from Tuesday 28 November, 2017 07:00 to Thursday 30 November, 2017 18:55Type of event :
Category 7-Seminar and WorkshopWhere :
Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Ulaanbaatar, MongoliaContact :
Eunice Smith, e.smith@unesco.orgThe International Center for Higher Education Research at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) is organizing a MOST School in collaboration with Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO and UNESCO Beijing Office in
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from 28 to 29 November 2017. The MOST School will discuss how education reforms proposed in Mongolia will contribute to youth employment needs.
Sub-themes to be addressed include policy recommendations on lifelong learning, and on humanistic and economic approaches to lifelong education. Participants will include senior officials of Government Ministries, universities, members of the private sector, civil society organizations, and youth themselves.
MOST Schools are capacity-building activities focused on strengthening the competencies for evidence-informed decision-making in Member States. They help develop the capacity of researchers and decision-makers to translate knowledge into action. Their primary goal is to support long-term sustainable development in contexts where capacity gaps may be a major constraint to translating research into action.
MOST Schools are organized in the context of the Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme.