
Her Story | Our Inspiration

As 8 March marks International Women's Day, the UNESCO Courier showcases some of the women who continue to inspire the world through their hard work and dedication. 

Bibi Russell: Finding magic in fingers

Deeyah Khan: “They chose to pick up a gun, I choose to pick up a camera”

Zeinab Badawi : “My hyphenated identity is an advantage”

Tawakkol Karman: “Non-violence is the common denominator of all my actions”

Nelly Minyersky: The green queen

Helen Pankhurst: “Feminism is in my blood”

Aya Medany: sport as a tool for social change

Maysoon Zayid: “We are not making history, we are changing the story”

“We must educate algorithms”

More on Women's issues in the Courier

The affirmation of women on equal terms with men in every area of life –personal, social, physical,  intellectual and spiritual − liberates tremendous creative and productive forces, encouraging new forms of participation. This in turn helps change men’s attitudes, creating new balances and new dynamics.  

It is these dynamics that the Courier is committed to – leading the publication to pose the provocative question, as early as 1955 and not without a hint of irony: Are women inferior beings?

Discover our special issues on women

Women conquering new expanses of freedom, April - June 2011

Women between two shores, February 2008

Women's long march to power, June 2000

Women: one half of heaven, September 1995

The Invisible woman, July 1980

Turning point for women, August - September 1975

International Women's Year, March 1975

Are women inferior beings?, November 1955

Many other articles on women are available in other issues. Do a keyword search to find them.