UNESCO Cairo supports Arab member states, individually and collectively, to establish policies, action plans, partnerships, and alliances that facilitate: enhanced access to knowledge diffusion mechanisms; the bridging of technological gaps; the adoption of proven technologies; and the acceleration of building human and institutional capacities in relevant fields.

The office focuses its support on areas of science and technology that are identified as most essential for the realization of the sustainable development agenda in the Arab region.

UNESCO and Aswan

Celebrating 65 years of collaboration

2023 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Young Talents Programmes

Calls for Applications

COP 27 Climate Conference

UNESCO's contribution to COP27


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UNESCO Sites & Designations in the Region

World Heritage Sites

in the Arab Region

Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage

and Safeguarding practices in the Arab region

Endangered Languages

registered by Arab States are being monitored

Biosphere Reserves

in the Arab region

Creative cities

in the Arab region

Heritage documentaries

in the Arab region listed on the Memory of the World Register


Access our publications catalogue

and learn more about our actions and work at UNESCO Amman