Migrants and refugees

Migrants and refugees - refugee camp
Against the backdrop of 281 million international migrants, over 26 million refugees and more than 48 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) worldwide (IOM, 2020), the support and integration of refugees and migrants remains a global priority, and one that calls for immediate and concerted action.
272 million
international migrants
25 million
41 million
internally displaced persons (IDPs)
Migrants and refugees - learning group
Project objective

The aim of the project is to support countries in developing RVA policies, mechanisms, and operating systems that identify and make visible the skills, competences, and qualifications members of such groups possess, to enhance their employment and education prospects, as well as their active engagement in society. 

migrants and refugees - camp

Why migrants and refugees?

One of the major challenge migrants and refugees face in terms of education and skills development is that their prior learning and competences might not be recognized in the labour market and/or education system of their given host country. This issue is particularly acute for refugees who may lack physical documentation of their previous learning.

The RVA of non-formal and informal learning outcomes is key to enabling such individuals to continue their education and work, fostering inclusion in the typically restricted educational, socio-economic, political, and cultural settings they frequently encounter. 

While specific initiatives have been implemented to improve the accessibility of RVA for newcomers, these have been limited to a relatively small number of countries. This makes it particularly important to take stock of what is currently working well and where there is room for improvement in this area.

Get involved!

Are you interested in strengthening RVA in your country, in a way that is inclusive of migrants and refugees?

UIL’s online course, Skillsets in Transit: Recognizing Prior Learning for Migrants and Refugees, seeks to equip national-level policymakers, practitioners and other key stakeholders across UNESCO Member States in contributing to the development and implementation of RVA systems that are open to people on the move. So far, students in Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, Namibia, Viet Nam and other countries have benefited from this practical, online capacity-building offering.

Click here to register for the UIL Learning Hub where future editions of the course will become available.


Pathways to empowerment: Recognizing the competences of Syrian refugees in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey
Global inventory of national and regional qualications frameworks, volume I: thematic chapters
European Training Foundation

Chapter 5: Digitalising RVA: The case of TVET for migrants and refugees

Global Inventory of Regional and National Qualifications Frameworks 2019, Volume I: Thematic chapters

Chapter 5: Recognising Prior Learning Experiences of Migrants And Refugees for Inclusion

Global inventory of regional and national qualications frameworks 2019 Volume I: Thematic chapters cover page

Addressing the needs of migrants and refugees for skills recognition and development at the national and local levels requires setting standards, developing mechanisms and coordinating actions. In recent years, UIL has made major progress in this field through:

refugee camp children playing
From radio to artificial intelligence: review of innovative technology in literacy and education for refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons
Leveraging innovative technology in literacy and education programmes for refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons
Informal language learning and media for migrants - Conference report (May and December 2022)