
Workshops in Educational Centers Prioritize Teacher Mental Health and Sustainable Development in Costa Rican Classrooms

UNESCO and the ASP Network drive progress in Costa Rica to strengthen the right to education.
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In collaboration with the aSP Network and the Ministry of Public Education (MEP), UNESCO San José provided a series of workshops that achieved significant progress in strengthening the right to education, focusing on two fundamental topics: Teacher Mental Health and the Guide to Education for Sustainable Development and Curriculum Strengthening.

The Educational Center Saint Anthony, the Inglaterra School, the Filomena Blanco School, the Dante Alighieri School, and the Carolina Dent School were among the participating educational centers for teachers.

The importance of the mental health of the teaching staff has been emphasized as a key element in creating a healthy and enriching learning environment. Teachers play a fundamental role in educating the new generations, and their well-being directly influences the academic success of the students.

Conscious of this, efforts have been focused on providing them with the necessary support so that they can carry out their work in the classrooms optimally, which, in turn, positively impacts the quality of life of educators.

Likewise, the "Guide to Education for Sustainable Development" has been implemented, an initiative that seeks to promote environmental awareness and social responsibility among students. The goal is to educate future generations as global citizens committed to building a sustainable and prosperous future for the country and the world.

From UNESCO, Costa Rica's commitment to promoting comprehensive education and focusing on crucial issues for the development of a more just and sustainable society has been recognized. The joint efforts between educational centers and the PEA Network have been fundamental in achieving significant progress in these fields.

"Education is the foundation for the progress of a nation and a more equitable society. Our commitment is to continue supporting initiatives that prioritize the well-being of teaching staff and the education of global citizens who are aware and responsible," said Alexander Leicht, director of UNESCO San José.

With these advancements in Costa Rican education, the country is getting closer and closer to achieving the sustainable development goals established by the UN and consolidates itself as a role model in the region for innovative and socially responsible educational practices.

About the ASP Network

The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (aSPNet) is a network that has been in existence for 69 years, connecting 12,000 schools from 182 countries that work towards the common goal of building the foundations of peace in the minds of children and youth. The network promotes core values such as social progress, gender equality, democracy, and respect for diversity.

In the case of Costa Rica, the PEA Network is coordinated by the MEP. Currently, there are 65 educational centers that are part of the PEA Network in Costa Rica, including preschools, primary schools, secondary schools, and universities distributed across the seven provinces.

Education for Sustainable Development

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