
Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES+5)

CRES+5 promotes a participatory process to highlight the progress in higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean, indicate the challenges from the impact of COVID-19 and identify issues that still need to be addressed.
Higher education meeting
Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES+5)
Brasília, Brazil
Rooms :
Brasilia, Brazil
Type :
Meeting by Member States or Institutions
Arrangement type :

The Ministry of Education of the Federative Republic of Brazil (MEC), together with the different actors involved in higher education in Brazil, the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), and the Latin American and Caribbean Higher Education Area (ENLACES), convene the follow-up meeting of the Third Regional Conference on Higher Education, known as CRES+5, to be held from 13 to 15 March 2024 in Brasilia, the federal capital of Brazil.  

Higher education meeting

The Third Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES 2018), which took place in Cordoba (Argentina) in June 2018, adopted a Declaration and an Action Plan 2018-2028. However, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought new challenges and accelerated transformations in higher education, demanding a mid-term assessment and an update of pathways and priorities.  

For this reason, at the World Conference on Higher Education (WCHE) 2022, UNESCO IESALC and higher education stakeholders in Latin America and the Caribbean agreed, and at the same time sealed, the commitment to hold a follow-up meeting to CRES 2018, which, five years later (CRES+5), would promote a participatory process to highlight the progress made, as well as the challenges still pending and the emerging issues, particularly in light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education, to identify the challenges that need to be addressed and the challenges that remain.

Those interested in participating in this important regional event can express their interest through the application form on the following link until February 13, 2024.

More detailed information can be found at the CRES+5 official website: