Museums are more than places where objects are exhibited and conserved. Along with the dramatic rise in cultural tourism in recent decades, the number of museums around the world has increased from 22,000 in 1975 to 95,000 today.

Museums can play a leading role in bolstering the creative economy locally and regionally. Museums are also increasingly present in the social sphere, acting as platforms for debate and discussion, tackling complex societal issues and encouraging public participation. 

UNESCO supports developing countries using museums’ potential to foster social cohesion, notably among local communities and disadvantaged groups. During times of conflict in countries such as Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq and Mali, where museums have been threatened by looters in search of valuable objects or symbols of national identity, UNESCO has intervened to secure and rehabilitate museums. UNESCO also carries out capacity building for museum specialists in the conservation of collections and inventorying and documentation to contribute to the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural objects. 

Key Numbers

Around 104.000
museums in the world
Over 8.000
Museums are linked with World Heritage Sites

Museums can play a leading role in bolstering the creative economy locally and regionally

Inside An Egyptian Museum
UNESCO report: museums around the world in the face of COVID-19
Avril 2021
Report made possible thanks to the financial support of the Zhi Zheng Museum of Art.
Museums around the world in the face of COVID-19
May 2020
Report made possible thanks to the financial support of the Zhi Zheng Museum of Art.
Report on the implementation of the UNESCO 2015 Recommendation on Museums & Collections
Recommendation concerning the Protection and Promotion of Museums and Collections, their Diversity and their Role in Society
Online platform meeting on COVID-19 and museums in Egypt, Cairo, 5 May 2020: report
UNESCO Office Cairo