Policy on engaging with indigenous peoples

UNESCO policies, programmes and projects provide opportunities and have significant impacts —positive and negative— for indigenous peoples worldwide.
Last update:11 May 2023

The 2030 Agenda commitment to ‘Leave no one behind’ brings new impetus to ensure that indigenous peoples’ priorities are heard.
Following the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the UN General Assembly in September 2007, and the UN Development Group (UNDG) Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues issued in 2008, it is increasingly important that UN agencies, including UNESCO, consider how to provide guidance on engaging with indigenous peoples. In this light, the UNESCO policy on Engaging with Indigenous Peoples seeks to outline a house-wide approach that will guide all of UNESCO’s programme sectors in their interactions with indigenous peoples and their organizations.

UNESCO Policy Indigenous Peoples
UNESCO policy on engaging with Indigenous Peoples
UNESCO's engagement with indigenous peoples
Infographic and brochure

Timeline of discussions on UNESCO Policy on engaging with indigenous peoples


  1. Launch of policy drafting process

    UNESCO’s work on developing a policy on engaging with indigenous peoples was launched during the 36th General Conference, at an event organized on 10 November 2011 within the framework of the 10th Anniversary of the UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity and the Celebration of World Science Day 2011 for Peace and Development.


  2. Drafting process

    Over the last four years, UNESCO has held several consultations and meetings with indigenous peoples’ representatives and UNESCO staff in Santiago (Chile), Luanda (Angola), Chiang Mai (Thailand), New York (USA), Geneva (Switzerland) and Paris (France). Nearly 150 experts, both internal and external, have provided their inputs and contributed to the shaping of this draft.

  3. Executive Board discussion on the policy (201 EX/6), April 2017

    The 201st session of the Executive Board saw a first discussion on the UNESCO policy on engaging with indigenous peoples.

  4. Consultations with Member States, May-June 2017

    Following the decision at the 201st session of the Executive Board to organize consultations on the UNESCO Policy on engaging with indigenous peoples, Member States were invited to submit comments along with Permanent Observers and UN bodies:

    Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Holy See, Norway, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, the United States of America and the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

  5. The 202nd session of the Executive Board, October 2017

    During the session, the UNESCO Executive Board discussed the revised draft of the UNESCO policy on engaging with indigenous peoples and adopted it.