
UNESCO New Delhi Celebrated the Power of Women and their Contribution to Sustainable Development on International Women’s Day

On 8 March 2024, the UNESCO New Delhi observed International Women’s Day and held a cultural showcase and panel discussions with women leaders from UNESCO’s livelihood programmes in West Bengal and Rajasthan.
Craftswomen from UNESCO livelihoods projects talking about their growth and challenges

On 8 March 2024, the UNESCO New Delhi Regional Office observed International Women’s Day in alignment with the UN theme for the year ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’ and held a cultural showcase and panel discussions with women leaders from UNESCO’s livelihood programmes in West Bengal and Rajasthan. The event celebrated the achievements of these women artists and entrepreneurs and served as a platform for them to share their inspiring stories and insights on their journey towards economic empowerment, digital inclusion, and gender equality.

The day long celebrations featured an exhibition of craft products including Kantha embroidery, Dhokra, Sabai and Madur weaves, and Patachitra paintings, alongside craft demonstrations by artisans from West Bengal. A panel discussion highlighted the pivotal role of women in driving sustainable development.

Display of Crafts at the UNESCO New Delhi IWD Showcase

UNESCO has been actively engaged in initiatives such as the Rural Craft and Cultural Hubs programme in West Bengal and the project dedicated to Strengthening Intangible Cultural Heritage Based Tourism in Western Rajasthan. These projects have significantly impacted women, by promoting their livelihood prospects, and empowering them while also safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. 

One of these craftswomen, Dipali, from Purulia said, “Since we used to stay at home all day in the village, we used to make small items from Sabai ropes for our homes. Through the project, I got training to diversify and market the products and now I have travelled within India and internationally to showcase my craft. It is not just a livelihood for me, it has also given me my identity.”

Creative Showcase at the International Women's Day Event in UNESCO New Delhi

Women play a pivotal role in the practice, transmission, and safeguarding of living heritage. Women are usually at the frontline of transmitting the know-how and content of their living heritage to the next generations and as such they are in a real sense the true custodians of the identity of communities. Moreover, the active participation of women in cultural activities helps bridge gender gaps and build inclusive, sustainable societies.

Tim CurtisDirector of the UNESCO Office for South Asia

The event concluded with special cultural performances by Baul musicians led by Rina Das Baul from West Bengal, and Kalbelia artists led by Suwa Devi from Rajasthan, which highlighted the vibrant living heritage of the two states. 

Notable guests included government officials, representatives from cultural institutions and embassies, and experts engaged in handicrafts, handlooms, and performing arts. Through this initiative, UNESCO New Delhi reaffirms its commitment to empowering women, advancing gender equality, and amplifying the voices of women entrepreneurs and artists in fostering inclusive and sustainable societies.


For more information, contact:

Junhi Han:
Chironjit Ganguly: