Rosetta Stone Project

The objective of the Rosetta Stone to link together assessments, which have been administered in the recent past, to build concordance tables to compare their outcomes to and benchmark national results to those of the regional assessments. This method enables countries to measure SDG 4 indicator 4.1.1.

In a first effort to implement this approach and establish concordance tables, the regional assessments of ERCE and PASEC are linked to two international assessments of IEA, namely TIMSS (for mathematics) and PIRLS (for reading). All countries participating to these regional assessments will subsequently be able to freely use concordance tables and benchmark their national results to those of the regional assessments.

On 27 June 2022, policymakers and stakeholders were invited to learn how Rosetta Stone can help compare national assessments to regional assessment programmes, ensuring that countries report on SDG4 global indicator 4.1.1 using adequate data. 

It was an opportunity to hear from regional assessment programmes that participated in the study - Programme d’analyse des système éducatif de la CONFEMEN (PASEC) and Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo (ERCE), managed by the Regional Bureau for Education for Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago). Countries who used Rosetta Stone shared their experiences, challenges and outcomes.

If you missed the event, see the material below.

Concept note
