
Kyrgyzstan Internet Universality researchers training

Training of Internet Universality Researchers for the National ROAM-X Assessment of the Internet Universality in Kyrgyzstan will be organized by Media Development Centre and UNESCO Almaty in the Hybrid mode in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication IPDC supported the project "Kyrgyzstan: Assessment of Internet Universality 2022" to enhance national policies for inclusive digital transformation and enabling to address the digital and knowledge divides including gender-based divides submitted by Media Development Centre and assisted by UNESCO Almaty.
Researchers Training IUI Kyrgyzstan 16 March 2023
Kyrgyzstan Internet Universality researchers training
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Rooms :
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Type :
Cat VII – Seminar and training
Arrangement type :