
The V anniversary cycle of the National Social Eco-campaign TURAQTY JOL starts in Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, the fifth cycle of the National Social Eco-Campaign TURAQTY JOL has been started.
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In Kazakhstan, the fifth cycle of the National Social Eco-Campaign TURAQTY JOL has been launched, aimed at uniting the youth of the entire country to contribute to improving ecology and developing a responsible attitude towards the environment.

The V anniversary cycle of the National Social Eco-campaign TURAQTY JOL
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TURAQTY JOL is an educational initiative aimed at instilling in the younger generation a careful attitude towards their homeland by imparting cultural, moral and environmental values. This program is a continuation of four cycles of the project successfully implemented by the Kazakhstan National Federation of Clubs for UNESCO in collaboration with the general partner Bank CenterCredit and the official partner company "Chevron".

The initiative is being implemented with the support of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ICESCO, the UNESCO Almaty Regional Office and the Akimat of Almaty.

The main event, traditionally, will be the holding of the festival of environmental ideas and projects within the framework of TURAQTY JOL. Young eco-activists from 16 to 35 years old who have real and applicable eco-initiatives aimed at developing eco-culture and strengthening the vector of the country's movement towards sustainable development are invited to participate. The 10 best teams selected and trained will gather in May this year in Almaty in order to compete for a prize fund in the total amount of 15 million tenge, which will be directed to the implementation of competitive ideas. The winners will receive 6 million tenge for the first place, 4 million tenge for the second and 3 million tenge for the third, as well as 2 incentive prizes of 1 million tenge.

To get acquainted with the rules of the TURAQTY JOL festival of environmental ideas and projects and register, tap this link. Applications are accepted until April 17, 2024.

As part of this initiative, in order to improve the environmental situation in Almaty, on March 30, it is planned to plant 100 tree seedlings in the Turksib district. The event will bring together dozens of volunteers and eco-activists who are ready to invest their time and efforts in improving the city's ecological environment. This event will be an opportunity for residents of the city to show their concern for the environment and, together with like-minded people, contribute to the greening of urban areas.

On June 8, as part of World Environment Day, it is planned to hold a global clean-up in all 17 regions of the country and cities of National importance. The purpose of this event is the voluntary cleaning of the territory, aimed at popularizing ecological culture and responsible attitude to nature and work.

Additionally, the TURAQTY JOL program provides for a number of activities aimed at supporting sustainable development. They will focus on developing the creative abilities of children across the country and introducing ESG principles into the business sector among novice and experienced entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan through the implementation of an art contest and a round table in September 2024.

The initiators of TURAQTY JOL are confident that this project, based on the experience of previous years, will make a significant contribution to increasing environmental awareness among young people, shaping a responsible attitude towards the environment and supporting sustainable development.

For additional information, please contact the following contacts:

Aisana Miram, +7 700 394 32 92 (WhatsApp available), 


More about the World Federation of Clubs and Associations for UNESCO

More about TURAQTY JOL