UNESCO's action in the Gaza Strip / Palestine

Following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians on 7 October, the operations of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip have caused a dramatic humanitarian crisis and massive destructions affecting all aspects of civilian life. UNESCO, including its office in Ramallah, is mobilized within the framework of its mandate for education, culture and press freedom.

UNESCO calls for the protection of cultural heritage

UNESCO expresses deep concern about the impact of the ongoing conflict on cultural heritage, particularly in the Gaza Strip. While acknowledging the priority given to the humanitarian situation, UNESCO emphasizes the importance of considering the protection of cultural heritage. The organization urges all involved parties to strictly adhere to international law, emphasizing that cultural property should not be targeted or used for military purposes, as it is considered civilian infrastructure.

Saint Hilarion Monastery-Tell Umm Amer_mosaic floors

UNESCO calls for the protection of journalists

UNESCO is alarmed by the very serious repercussions for the safety of journalists and called on all actors to respect and enforce international law without delay. International humanitarian laws, including UN Security Council Resolution 2222/2015, stipulate that journalists, media professionals and associated personnel covering conflict situations must be protected as civilians. The Resolution also recalls that media equipment, offices and studios are civilian and not military assets or properties and, as such, must not be the target of attacks or reprisals.


UNESCO calls for the protection of educational establishments

UNESCO is gravely concerned about the impact of the hostilities in the Gaza Strip on students and education professionals. Today, more than 625,000 pupils and more than 22,500 teachers in the area are in an extremely vulnerable situation.

The Organization calls for the protection of educational establishments, which often serve as shelters for the population, and recalls that targeting them or using them for military purposes constitute violations of international law.

Girls at school in Gaza
Impact and Consequences of the Current Situation in the Gaza Strip/Palestine in all Aspects of UNESCO’s mandate
9 November 2023