
General information
Located in the Great Hungarian Plain, Hortobágy Biosphere Reserve is a vast flat edaphic steppe landscape (archetype of Hungarian Puszta) which recalls features of the central Asian steppes in central Europe. Hortobágy is not only a short grass alkaline steppe but also comprises marshes, fishponds and small patches of forests and treeplantations. It comprises the most important bird migration site in the Carpathian Basin (perhaps in the whole continental part of Europe, beside marine shores and estuaries). Many parts of the BR’s territory are designated as a Ramsar site as well. 
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Total population
154,634.00 ha
Latitiude: 47.5739 - Longitude: 21.0939
Ecosystem-based network
Ecological Characteristics
The alkaline habitats, grasslands and marshes used to be under the influence of the Tisza River that meandered north of the area since 20.000-30.000 years ago, and seasonally flooded it, but not in every year. River regulation works (shortcuts of the meanders, creation of dikes) caused major changes of the landscape, significant part of alkaline marshes became dry or degraded since the 19th century.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
Although man played a dominant role in the formation of the Hortobágy landscape, the treeless character, the landscape dominated by alkaline grasslands, originates from the end of the Pleistocene. The recent open landscape is not a simple result of the land use activity of the nomadic pastoral societies that populated the region during the last four thousand years: they settled here because of the already existing open character of the Hortobágy, suitable for their grazing practices.