
General information
Located in the south-west of the Democratic Republic of Congo and about 120 km east of the Atlantic coast, Luki Biosphere Reserve represents the humid tropical rain-forest ecosystem.
Detailed information
Key data
Year of nomination
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Total population
33,811.00 ha
Latitiude: -5.59 - Longitude: 13.17
Ecosystem-based network
Ecological Characteristics
Located in the south-west of the Democratic Republic of Congo and about 120 km east of the Atlantic coast, Luki Biosphere Reserve represents the humid tropical rainforest ecosystem. In former times, this area was reserved in order to protect its natural resources for colonial interests.In an altitude between 150 and 500 meters above sea level, many different habitats can be distinguished such as primary forests with Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum, Gilletiodendron kisantuense or Terminalia superba, secondary forests with Terminalia superba, woody and herbaceous savanna as well as agro-ecosystems and agroforestry systems.The plant resources of the area are used for both commercial purposes (e.g. palm oil, coffee and cacao) and traditional nutrition (banana, taro, manioc, rice, corn, etc.).Primary forests of Prioria balsamiferum, Chlorophoraexcelsa, Gilletiodendron kisantuensis; secondary forests of Terminalia superba; woodland savannahs;grassland savannahs; agro-forestry systems.
Socio-Economics Characteristics
About 7,100 people live within the biosphere reserve and some 64,200 nearby (2002).The main economic activity is agriculture and agro-forestry. However, the biosphere reserve faces problems due to illegal forest exploitation (e.g.for fuel wood and house construction), carbonisation, hunting and fishing.There is a great need for a plant and animal inventory of the biosphere reserve since many species disappear without being noticed.A guide to the sustainable development of the biosphere reserve’s fauna has been developed recently (2002).