International Geoscience Programme Council

The International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Council is responsible for the evaluation of project proposals, as well as for the quality assessment of projects that are in progress.
IGCP Council Members 2023
Last update:5 April 2024

Council structure

The International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Council is composed of six ordinary members, with the right to vote, appointed by mutual agreement of the Director-General of UNESCO and the President of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). The Director-General of UNESCO and the Secretary-General of the IUGS or their representatives are ex officio members of the Council, without the right to vote.

The IGCP Council is assisted in its scientific duties by a Scientific Board, established for this purpose jointly by UNESCO and IUGS, on the recommendation of the Council. The IGCP Council shall define the terms of reference of the Scientific Board.

IGCP Council Bureau

Council members

(2023 - 2024)

Jonathan Craig is the Head of Exploration Strategies & Professional Areas for Eni Natural Resources, based in Milan, Italy, where he has responsibility for Eni’s global exploration strategy, exploration excellence and for the Eni geoscience staff worldwide. He has a First-Class Joint Honours B.Sc. degree in Geology & Geography from Nottingham University and a Ph.D. in Structural & Field Geology from University College, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

He joined the energy industry in 1980 and has worked as a structural geologist and engineering geologist, exploration geoscientist, and as an Exploration Manager and then, and as a Chief Geologist. Since 2001, he has held the positions of Head of Technical Projects, Head of Prospect Validation, Head of Geology and Head of Strategic Exploration Projects for Eni, based in London and Milan. During his long international career, he has worked on a wide variety of remote sensing, engineering, mineral exploration and exploration and development projects, including overseas assignments in Australia, Tanzania, Indonesia, Pakistan, Colombia, Venezuela, Libya and Italy. He is a Chartered Geologist and, in 2017, was awarded the Geological Society, Petroleum Group medal ‘in recognition of his outstanding contribution to petroleum geoscience and the petroleum industry’.

Jonathan is Honorary Professor at University College London, Royal Holloway University of London, University of Durham and the University of Jammu in India. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the geoscience journals ‘Marine & Petroleum Geology’ and ‘Petroleum Geoscience’, is Chair of the Maghreb Petroleum Research Group (MPRG) at University College London, Co-Director of the Institute of Energy Research & Training (IERT) at the University of Jammu in India, Chair of the Global Advisory Board of Getenergy Ltd and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Energy & Geoscience Institute (EGI) at the University of Utah. He is a past Chair of the Petroleum Group of the Geological Society, Past President of the European Region of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), a Director of AAPG Europe and the current Chair of the Trustees of AAPG Europe Charity. He has written many papers and books on topics ranging from Energy Geoscience, Exploration Strategy, Precambrian & Palaeozoic Geology and Fossil Elephants to Local History, Archaeology and Steam Railways. 

(2023 - 2026)

Gloria holds a Doctorate in Sciences in Geochemistry and petrology from the Federal University of Pará (UFPá) in Brazil and served as researcher at the Geological Survey of Colombia (SGC) for more than 30 years. In the last ten years of her career, she worked as Technical Director of the Directorate of Mineral Resources of the Geological Survey of Colombia. Her responsibilities included direction of programs in local geology for mineral resources, geochemistry, geophysics and metallogeny at different scales, in order to identify prospective areas for mineral resources, to evaluate the mineral potential related to metallic, no metallic and industrial and energy minerals, and also to investigate the relationship between mineral resources occurrences and deposits and the natural environment including its incidence in the ecosystems and the health of living beings (geomedicine).

She is specialised in the characterization of mining residues and tailings, for usage for social benefit. Her findings were published as reports and scientific papers, in national and international networks and journals. Gloria contributed to the generation of the Geochemical Atlas of Colombia, and the Global Geochemical Baselines Mapping. Her group developed the Metallogeny Map of Colombia (versions 2016, 2018, 2020), executed the geophysical mapping program of Colombia (magnetometry and Gamma – spectrometry) at densities appropriated to mineral resources research and produced the Geophysical Anomalies Maps of Colombia (Mag & Gamma). Applying the historic and the new information (geology, geochemistry, geophysics, metallogeny, mineralogy) and developing geochemical, geophysical and metallogenetic high density sampling, she contributed to the identification of more than 30 prospective areas for strategic and critical minerals and finished the mineral evaluation potential of more than 20 metallogenic districts in Colombia.

Gloria is a Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal "Geochemistry: Exploration – Environment – Analysis, GEEA; South America "Task Group on Global geochemical baselines" of IUGS/IAGC. Member of the Scientific Committee and part of the Governing Council of the "UNESCO International Centre on Global – Scale Geochemistry", National Contact Point (NCP) for the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Union (EU). She evaluated research projects for the Ministry of Sciences of Colombia (Minciencias).

Gloria is a strong promotor of gender equality within the groups of experts in metallogeny, geochemistry and cooperation of the Association of Geological and Mining Surveys of Ibero-America (ASGMI). As a Latin American woman researcher in geosciences Gloria is familiar with the challenges and opportunities of Latin American countries and will lead Earth Resources theme of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) council between 2023 and 2026.



(2023 - 2026)

Professor Sobhi Nasir graduated in Mineralogy/Petrology at Wurzburg University-Germany (1986). After his PhD studies he worked for 5 years at the Yarmouk University in Jordan, four years at the United Arab Emirates University, eight years at Qatar University. Prof. Nasir Joined the Sultan Qaboos University in Oman in 2004 as a head of Department and now he is the Director of Earth Sciences Research Centre and the UNESCO Chair for Ophiolite Studies as well as an Adjunct Professor at Western University, Canada. Prof. Nasir relishes his continued involvement in teaching and research and contributes energetically to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in various fields of Earth Sciences. He has published more than 250 papers in international journals and has built his international reputation through his research focusing on Oman, Germany, Australia and the Arabian lithosphere. He is a member in several editorial board members of international journals in earth sciences and received many national and international research funding for his research as well as many international awards including the ESESCO Prize for Sciences and Technology 2016. Prof. Nasir is highly involved in research with primary interest in the ophiolite geology, volcanic rocks, carbonatite, kimberlite, and applied mineralogy. His research on upper mantle and lower crust mineralogy and chemistry has resulted in building a school for the Middle East petrology which helped in interpreting large scale geological phenomena especially those related to the geodynamic evolution of the Arabian lithosphere and opening of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. 

(2023 - 2026)

YoungHee Kim is a professor of Geophysics (Seismology) in School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Seoul National University, South Korea. She also holds a position as a Director of Research Center for Deep-Surface Coupling of Earth. She has served since 2017 as a Co-Editor for “Exploration Geophysics” which is an international journal published on behalf of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG), the Society of Exploration Geophysics of Japan (SEGJ), and the Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists (KSEG). Since 2019, she has served as an Associate Editor of the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA). To note, BSSA has served the earth science community as the leading source of peer-reviewed research in seismology since 1911.

YoungHee received her Ph.D. in Geophysics at Caltech in 2011 and worked as a postdoctoral research scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in 2011-2012. Her principal research interests focus on the use of seismic array data to provide insights into processes occurring in the crust and mantle. Her recent research interests focus on lithosphere structure/processes via body-wave seismic imaging, locating and characterizing earthquakes, and seismotectonics.

Since working as a professor at Seoul National University in 2012, YoungHee has been playing a leading role in deploying and maintaining several portable seismic arrays, as well as processing and interpreting seismic array data. The acquired data was used to provide insights into a complex fault-zone system and a volcanic system in various intraplate settings. Continuing with this effort, in recent years, earthquake observation networks in South Korea expanded substantially, and increasing seismic observations and numerical capabilities have opened a new discussion on the seismicity, volcanism, and tectonics in a wider context of geodynamics. In conjunction with the research, YoungHee has shared her work through conference presentations and research workshops. As of June 2022, she has 217 submitted conference abstracts (international 127; domestic 90). Of the 217 presentations, she has advised 77 presentations authored by undergraduate and graduate students, and 14 presentations were recognized with awards.

(2021 - 2024)

Jalludin Mohamed completed his PhD in Hydrogeology in 1993 at the University of Poitiers (France). He was recruited at ISERST since 1986 as hydrogeologist at the Earth Sciences Section. He became the head of the department of hydrogeology and hydrology in 1994. He is occupying the position of the General Director at CERD, Center for Studies and Research of Djibouti (ex ISERST), since 2002 under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Since 2014 he is designated cumulatively as Geothermal Expert for the multi-financiers Asal Rift geothermal project led by EDD, Electricity of Djibouti. During his career he addressed various research topics: volcanic aquifers geometry and hydrodynamic properties, groundwater systems modeling, climate change impacts on groundwater, GIS applications for water well locations, groundwater recharges under arid climate, geothermal reservoir engineering...etc. He also addressed issues as water resources management and planning, water resources atlas, national scientific research planning…etc. Several surface studies of geothermal prospects in Lake Abhé, North-Goubhet, Obock and lake Alol were conducted under his supervision. Planning of the national scientific research, capacity building at all levels, the development/diversification of national science and accelerating the international partnership represent a significant part of his occupation today. His work is published in more than twenty papers and international communications. He contributed also widely as consultant in numerous projects at the national and regional levels dealing with water resources, environmental issues, capacity building, and policy making and management.

Decorated with the awards of:

  • Chevalier de l'Ordre national du mérite, France, mars 2010
  • Ordre national du 27 juin 1977, Djibouti, octobre 2008

(2021 - 2024)

Hassina Mouri holds Full Professorship position at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) since August 2018. Along with her academic career, she has been very active at national and international levels. In 2008, she was elected as the Secretary General of the Geological Society of Africa and Chair of the Organising Committee of CAG23. In 2010 she received the prestigious African-European Union Joint Women in Science Award and in 2014, she received the Dux Award by UJ Vice-Chancellor Executive Leadership Development Program. In 2012 and 2013, she was elected Councilor for IUGS and for the International Medical Geology Association (IMGA) respectively. In 2017, she was appointed Chair of the South African National Committee for IUGS & IGCP. Since 2015, she is a member of the advisory board of the South African Journal of Science and as of October 2020, she holds Vice President for the IUGS for the term of 2020-2024. Hassina is a metamorphic geologist by training, moreover since 2013, she started developing interest to Medical Geology and her current research focus mainly on Africa. She has been involved in the supervision/co-supervision of 40 projects in total up to date, most of them are in Medical Geology, including 17 MSc, 6 PhDs, 2 postdocs and 15 honours students from all over Africa including South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and Namibia. She organised several successful international conferences including CAG23 and 2 International Symposia on Medical Geology in Africa (ISMGAf), all held at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) in 2011, 2014 and 2018 respectively.

She contributed to over 60 international/national conferences and invited as a keynote or plenary speaker. Hassina, graduated in Algeria Cum Laude in 1990 as an outstanding student was awarded a Fellowship to continue her postgraduate studies in France (University Paris 7 & MNHN). After the completion of her PhD, which she obtained with distinction in 1995, she was recruited for a research associate position at the University of Helsinki, then by the Geological Survey of Finland until May 1999. In June 1999, she was granted a 2-year NSF-USA Research Grant at the University of Minnesota (USA). In 2000, she came back to Africa to take a senior lecturer position in the Department of Geology, University of Pretoria, then University of Johannesburg (UJ) in 2008, where she was promoted to Full Professor in August 2018. She received a B rating by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa in 2019 and speaks Berber, Arabic, French, and English.

Observers of the Council


IGCP Secretariat

International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS):

Prof Stanley Finney is a Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at California State University at Long Beach (CSULB). Before being elected Secretary General of IUGS for the term of 2016-2020, he served as Chair of the IUGS Commission on Stratigraphy - ICS (2008-2016), Vice Chair of ICS (2000-2008) and Chair of the ICS Subcommission on Ordovician Stratigraphy (1996-2004). His research focus is stratigraphic paleontology, and he has published on Ordovician graptolites, the Late Ordovician Mass extinction, the Taconic Foreland basin of the Appalachians, Ordovician stratigraphy of the Arbuckle and Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma and Arkansas, the paleogeographic and geotectonic history of the Argentina Precordillera, and the stratigraphy and structure of the Roberts Mountains allochthon of north-central Nevada. More recently, he has addressed the question of the ‘Anthropocene’ as a formal chronostratigraphic unit. He served as Chair of Geological Sciences at CSULB from 1988-2009 and as director of the Environmental Science & Policy degree program at CSULB (2003-2009). He has held positions of Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Natural History at the University of Salzburg, Austria in 2002, and the position of Fulbright Senior Scholar at Charles University, Czech Republic in 2010. 

IGCP Scientific Board

The Scientific Board consists of approximately 50-60 specialists who are in charge of the technical reviews of projects. The IGCP Council, assisted by the Scientific Board, assess the progress of existing projects and new project proposals for potential funding annually. They assemble at UNESCO Headquarters on the occasion of the IGCP Council meeting, usually held in February each year.

The selection of the Scientific Board Members is the responsibility of the IGCP Council.

Members of the IGCP Scientific Board

Council and Board members jointly reflect a worldwide geographic distribution and represent specific fields in the Earth sciences:

How to become an IGCP Council Member

IGCP Council Members must fulfil at least three of the following criteria:

  • Holds a PhD in Earth science
  • Has a proven exemplary track record in a particular field of research and still be actively doing research
  • Is considered a high-level expert in a particular field
  • Has a proven record of international scientific collaborations

The following documents should be sent directly to the IGCP Secretariat in UNESCO. The language of all documents shall be English:

  • Completed nomination form and declaration on the respect of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme (IGGP) Statutes, IGCP Operational Guidelines, and a declaration of no conflict of interest.
  • Detailed CV (including a complete publication list and a list of research projects in which the candidate is/has been involved for the last five years).
  • A list of the ten most important publications during the past ten years.
  • A cover letter explaining the motivation and added value of the candidate to the IGCP Council


Call for applications

Deadline for applications: 1 May 2024

Please send your completed application form no later than 1 May 2024 to the IGCP Secretariat ( accompanied by your detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), a list of your 10 most important publications during the 10 last years and a motivation letter.

The current call concerns four members of the IGCP Council who belong to of the following themes: Global Change, Hydrogeology, Earth Resources, and Geodynamics.

Application Form

Terms of Reference

Statutes and rules of procedure

Statutes of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme