
10th anniversary of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of journalists

10th anniversary of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of journalists

The UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity is the first concerted effort within the UN to address attacks and impunity of crimes against journalists, with a multi-stakeholder and holistic approach. It brings together UN bodies, national authorities, media, and civil society organizations.

The UN Plan has achieved a series of developments in the last 10 years. The issue of safety of journalists has a higher visibility in the UN, as evidenced by the increasing number of declarations, resolutions and other normative texts, and the UN Secretary General’s Call to Action for Human Rights. Protecting journalists is also part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Plan has also contributed to building international coalitions of governments and civil society and served to bring about changes on the ground, such as the creation of national safety mechanisms in at least 50 countries.

But despite these achievements, challenges still exist. The high rate of impunity for crimes against journalists persists and new forms of threats develop in unprecedented ways.

The 10-year anniversary is a milestone to Reaffirm, Recommit and Reposition efforts to advance the UN Plan.

  • Reaffirm the relevance of the UN Plan of Action as the blueprint of all parties involved tasked with protecting the safety of journalists.
  • Recommit political will, purpose and resources to advance the Plan’s objectives.
  • Reposition to increase impact on the ground, prevent attacks, protect journalists in danger and hold those accountable that are responsible for attacks against journalists.

10 years of impact. Read the Interviews

The Digital Platform brings new momentum in continental collaboration against impunity

Interview with Louis Thomasi

A simple alert that a journalist has been harassed or arrested makes the difference between life and death

Interview with Jovial Rantao

Coordinated action amplifies our impact on UN Plan on Safety of Journalists

Interview with Silvia Chocarro

Academic research on safety of journalists is essential for informing policy makers

Interview with Jackie Harrison and Aimée Vega Montiel

Judges and prosecutors trained in freedom of expression contribute to ending impunity

Interview with Judge Ricardo C. Pérez Manrique

Watch the testimonies

10 years of impact - UN Plan of Action to #ProtectJournalists 

10 years of impact - UN Plan of Action to #ProtectJournalists

Watch the testimonies

10 years of impact - UN Plan of Action to #ProtectJournalists 
Addressing digital threats
Monitoring Mechanisms
Tackling Impunity
National Protection Mechanisms
A stronger gender focus

High-level Conference, 3-4 November, Vienna

On 3 and 4 November, the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of Austria in cooperation with UNESCO and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) held the conference "Safety of Journalists: Protecting media to protect democracy",  to mark the 10th anniversary of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity in Vienna.

The Conference was opened by the Austrian minister for Women, family, integration and media, Susanne Raab, UNESCO Director-General, Audrey Azoulay and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk. It brought together more than 400 participants, including well-known journalists such as Dmitry Muratov, Editor-in-Chief at Novaya Gazeta and Laureate of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, Jineth Bedoya, Colombian investigative journalist, 2020 Laureate of UNESCO/Guillermo Cano Prize, as well as high-level representatives from UN agencies, international organizations, leading civil society and academia experts.

The conference provided a platform to launch a political declaration, endorsed by 53 countries, to reaffirm their commitment to enhance the protection of journalists and strengthen media freedom. The Declaration remains open for support by states. 

Over 40 states made concrete pledges of more than $100 m to projects in support of media freedom and safety of journalists.

The conference followed wide ranging regional and thematic consultations, with many different stakeholders, organized by UNESCO and partners, to take stock of the first decade of the implementation of the UN Plan.

The consultations provided representatives of  civil society organizations, gathered in Vienna on 3 November 2022 for a Pre-Conference debate as well as the high-level event, with concrete recommendations on how to improve journalists‘ safety in the face of new and complex threats. The regional consultations were supported under UNESCO’s Multi-Donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists (MDP) and the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).



 Outcome documents and regional consultations reports:

Financial pledges 

  • United States: 47 million USD for media freedom as pledged at the last Summit for Democracy
  • United Kingdom: 3 million GBP as pledged to the Global Media Defence Fund (GMDF) 
  • Netherlands: 20 million EUR pledged to the Safety of Voices initiative
  • Germany: 7.7 million EUR pledged to the Hannah Arendt Initiative and 300.000 EUR to GMDF
  • Croatia: 6.5 million EUR from the EU Recover and Resilience Facility 
  • Romania: 600.000 USD to support Belarusian and Moldovan journalists and media 
  • Luxembourg: 175.000 EUR technical assistance to NGOs in the Balkans
  • France: 580.000 USD to the CI in 2022 
  • Norway: 19,5 million USD under new Agreement with UNESCO to Culture and Communication and Information Sectors
  • Czech Republic: 1 million USD on press freedom including the GMDF in 2022
  • Austria, 150.000 to UN Women supporting women journalists in Afghanistan

More pledges here

Outcomes of the regional and thematic consultations to mark the 10th anniversary of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity
Journalists need more tailored trainings in the Arab region
Africa: Implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity
Roadmap for Latin America and the Caribbean after World Press Freedom Day
Consultation of European stakeholders on the 10th anniversary of the UN Plan
Calling for Actionable Measures to Ensure Safety of Journalists in South Asia
Consultations on UN Plan of Action: Urgent need to address gendered violence against journalists
Academic Consultation on the UN Action Plan of Action on Safety of Journalists

More about the UN Plan

Learn more about the UN Plan of Action and how it advances global and local efforts to protect journalists worldwide. Read the FAQS below:

What is the UN Plan of Action for the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity?

The UN Plan of Action for the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity is the agreed blueprint for concrete action for multiple stakeholders to create a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers, both in conflict and non-conflict situations, with a view to strengthening peace, democracy and development worldwide.

Its measures include the establishment of a coordinated inter-agency mechanism to handle issues related to the safety of journalists as well as assisting countries to develop legislation and mechanisms favourable to freedom of expression and information and supporting their efforts to implement existing international rules and principles.

To further reinforce prevention, the UN Plan of Action recommends working in cooperation with governments, media houses, professional associations, and NGOs to conduct awareness raising campaigns on a wide range of issues such as existing international instruments and conventions, the growing dangers posed by emerging threats to media professionals, including non-state actors, as well as various existing practical guides on the safety of journalists.

What is the current situation?

85% of the world’s population have experienced a decline in press freedom in their country over the past five years. (World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development 2021/2022 Global Report)

UNESCO’s observatory of killed journalists, records that over 1,200 journalists have been killed between 2006 and 2021, with close to 9 out of 10 of these cases remaining judicially unresolved.

The war in Ukraine is reversing the global trend of decline in journalist killings in the previous years. As of mid-year 2022, killings have reached 75% of all killings last year with 43 journalists killed from 24 countries.

In parallel, journalists are increasingly facing alternative forms of silencing such as imprisonment, online violence and strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs).

Often these attacks disproportionately affect women journalists or those who may be vulnerable based on other aspects of their identity, such as ethnicity, skin colour, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.

73% of women journalists surveyed have experienced harassment and threats online according to The Chilling: Global trends in online violence against women journalists, a global study commissioned by UNESCO.

It is therefore of great importance to reflect on the continuous evolution of the implementation of the UNPA in light of emerging challenges.

Why is it important for the public at large to understand the issue and support it?

Press freedom and safety of journalists are direct enablers of broader human rights. Declining press freedom affects every part of society. Journalists directly inform communities and societies. Preserving their freedom of expression and ability to work safely leads to a diverse and plural media landscape, ultimately ensuring freedom of information and encouraging democratic debate.

Why is the Un Plan of Action important, what is its purpose and what has it achieved so far?

The UN Plan of Action is the first concerted effort within the UN system to address the issues of safety of journalists and impunity via a multi-stakeholder and holistic approach and brings together UN bodies, national authorities, media, and civil society organizations. It contributes directly to the achievement of the 2030 Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. In the last ten years, the UNPA has also achieved a series of developments including:

What are the roles of the different stakeholders?

How can governments, judicial community, media outlets, civil society, journalists’ associations, journalists’ schools and young journalists, regional and international organizations as well as internet platform providers/the private sector do to help support the safety of journalists?

Since its conception, the UNPA has been guiding multistakeholder efforts to protect the safety of journalists and combat impunity. Building new coalitions while strengthening existing ones is therefore central to the UNPA. In the past decade, it has generated and improved cooperation on these issues, mainly by having fostered:

  • A network of UN Focal Points for the Safety of Journalists (with the participation of several UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes);
  • An informal task force of Intergovernmental Organizations outside the UN system;
  • Six Groups of Friends of Safety of Journalists – informal structures of committed countries, whose permanent missions in New York (UN Secretariat), Paris (UNESCO), Geneva (OHCHR), Vienna (OSCE), Strasbourg (Council of Europe) and Washington (OAS), which are constantly advocating for better multilateral policies for a safer environment for journalists and media workers;
  • A Media Freedom Coalition of more than 50 countries;
  • An International Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for the Safety of Journalists;
  • A Journalism Safety Research Network.

Only by engaging on the safety of journalists through the UNPA’s three pillars of prevention, protection, and prosecution can there be holistic solutions and the preservation of freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

How did it come about?

The UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity is the result of a process that began in 2010 upon request of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).

The UN Plan of Action was prepared during the first UN Inter-Agency Meeting on this issue in September 2011, convened by the Director-General of UNESCO at the request of the IPDC Intergovernmental Council. On 12 April 2012, it was endorsed by the UN Chief Executives Board, the highest level coordination mechanism in the UN system. Consequently, a second UN Inter-Agency meeting took place in November 2012 where a comprehensive Implementation Strategy was adopted. The strategy included over 120 concrete actions that could be taken on the protection of journalists and its related issues.

The Implementation Strategy served as the basis for the review process which took place during the third UN Inter-Agency meeting, which was held in November 2014 in concurrence with the inaugural International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. The meeting reviewed the implementation of the UN Plan of Action from 2013 to 2014 including the successes, challenges, lessons learnt and the way forward.

On 29 June 2017, a Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening the Implementation of the UN Plan of Action took place in Geneva, Switzerland to take stock of developments and best practices of the first five years of the implementation of the UN Plan of Action. The Outcome Document of this meeting lists a variety of possible options for specific stakeholders to enhance the impact of the UN Plan of Action. A comprehensive report that details the key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt of the UN Plan of Action's first five years can be consulted here.


Facts and Figures on the Impact of the UN Plan of Action in the last 10 years

  • 26 UN resolutions on safety of journalists adopted since 2012
  • A network of UN Focal Points for the Safety of Journalists within UN agencies, funds and programmes
  • An informal task force of intergovernmental organizations outside the UN system
  • 6 Groups of Friends on the Safety of Journalists, comprised of Member States represented in New York (UN Secretariat), Paris (UNESCO), Geneva (OHCHR), Vienna (OSCE), Strasbourg (Council of Europe) and Washington (Organization of American States)
  • A Media Freedom Coalition of more than 50 countries
  • Creation of the International Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Safety of Journalists.
  • A Journalism Safety Research Network, coordinated from Sheffield University in the United Kingdom.
  • More than 23,000 judicial operators from 150 countries and of more than 8,700 security forces from 20 countries trained on safety of journalist’s issues.
  • At least 50 National Protection Mechanisms for the safety of journalists established since 2012
  • Global and regional digital platforms in Europe and Africa to monitor attacks against journalists
  • Over 1,000 cases of legal assistance provided to journalists in distress, funded by the support of the Global Media Defense Fund
  • A growing number of recommendations from the Universal Periodical Review related to the safety of journalists accepted by Member States
  • Increased number of reports by the Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Expression (of the UN and regional bodies) focusing on the safety of journalists