Basic Texts Related to the Safety of Journalists

Last update: 6 March 2023

A non-exhaustive list of texts, declarations, decisions, resolutions and conventions related to human rights and the safety of journalists.

International Human Rights Laws

UNESCO Resolutions, Decisions, and Declarations on Safety of Journalists

Regional Declarations

General Conference Resolutions

Executive Board Decisions

IPDC Intergovernmental Council Decisions

World Press Freedom Day Declarations

Joint Declarations by the UN Special Rapporteurs for Freedom of Expression

Universal Periodic Review Process (including UNESCO's Contribution)

The Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is the UN reporting mechanism on human rights in all UN Member States, to which UNESCO contributes on the fundamental human right freedom of expression, freedom of information, and safety of journalists, amongst others. It convenes three times a year and provides the opportunity for each Member State to declare what actions they have taken to improve human rights within their borders and to fulfill their obligations.

13th Session (2012) | 14th Session (2012) | 15th Session (2013) | 16th Session (2013) | 17th Session (2013) 

18th Session (2014) | 19th Session (2014) | 20th Session (2014) | 21st Session (2015) | 22nd Session (2015)

23rd Session (2015) | 24th Session (2016) | 25th Session (2016) | 26th Session (2016) | 27th Session (2017) 

28th Session (2017) | 29th Session (2018) | 30th Session (2018) | 31st Session (2018) | 32nd Session (2019)

33rd Session (2019) | 34th Session (2019) | 35th Session (2020) | 36th Session (2020) | 37th Session (2021) 

38th Session (2021) | 39th Session (2021) | 40th Session (2022) | 41st Session (2022) | 42nd Session ( 2023)

Regional Instruments of Human Rights Laws

Humanitarian Laws and Measures

Regional Measures Specific to the Safety of Journalists

Statements by Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society

Key International Court Decisions