UNESCO's global priorities are Africa and Gender Equality. As such, UNESCO and development partners are attentive to 54 African countries with a stronger and better-targeted strategy. The African Renaissance is underway, with the adoption of the African Union Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development paving the ground for the African Economic Community. To this end, regional communities are consolidating ties. 

Africa Week 2024

jeune africain

UNESCO in Africa

UNESCO and its partners endeavours in Africa to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • 210 programmes
  • 54 countries
  • 16 offices
  • 2 institutes
  • 70 years of expertise


News from fields offices

Discover the latest news from UNESCO's regional offices in Africa, which play an essential role in promoting culture, education and science on the continent.

Africa in numbers

1.07 billion
people live in africa
of sub-Saharan Africa

under the age of 30

Intangible Cultural Heritage Botswana - Seperu Folkdance

Using Africa’s rich heritage as a ‘catalyst’ to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Victoria Falls Africa Priority


Priority Africa in Action, 2022-2023
Education in Africa: placing equity at the heart of policy
L’éducation IN Afrique
The African fashion sector: trends, challenges & opportunities for growth
Fashion in Africa
The Operational Strategy for Priority Africa 2022-2029
The African film Industry: trends,challenges and opportunities for growth
Published with the support of China