
Fostering inclusive ecologies of knowledge: Education for equitable and sustainable futures

XVIII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies
Fostering Inclusive Ecologies of Knowledge: Education for Equitable and Sustainable Futures
New York, United States of America
Rooms :
New York City, United States of America
Type :
Cat IV – International Congress
Arrangement type :

Thinking and acting together

Co-convened by the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) and UNESCO, at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, the XVIII WCCES World Congress will be a unique venue to bring together constituent societies and their members, other scholars, researchers, policy-makers, community leaders, and stakeholders. The theme, 'Fostering inclusive ecologies of knowledge: Education for equitable and sustainable futures' has been chosen to stimulate dialogue and reflections on the futures of international and comparative education. 

Twenty-five years since the publication "Decolonizing methodologies: Research and indigneous peoples" we must continue to engage with the rich diversity of ecologies of knowledge and reflect on implications of these for education and research, policy and practice. 

International and comparative education provides an intellectual space for world epistemologies and the production of knowledge for social transformation. Our field is a powerful force for reimagining our futures together ans shaping more just, inclusive, and sustainable for all.

Keynote speakers:

  • Dr. Nelly Stromquist, Professor Emerita, University of Maryland, USA
    Nelly specializes in issues related to social change and gender, which she examines from the perspective of critical sociology. Her research interests focus on the dynamics of educational policies and practices, gender relations, and equity, particularly in Latin America.
  • Dr. Sobhi Tawil, Director, Future of Learning and Innovation, UNESCO, Paris, France
    Sobhi leads the Futures of Education initiative, as well as the work in technology and innovation in education at UNESCO.
  • Dr. Fons Trompenaars, Professor, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Fons is recognised around the world for his work as a consultant, trainer, motivational speaker and author of various books on all subjects of culture and business.
  • Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Chancellor, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 
    Phumzile is former Deputy President of South Africa and former Executive Director of UN Women. She is also the Founder and President of Umlambo Foundation.
  • Dr. Miki Sugimura, Professor, Sophia University, Japan,
    Miki is immediate past President of Japan Comparative Education Society, and a member of International Expert Group for the revision of 1974 Recommendation. Her research interests are international higher education and education for sustainable development.
  • Dr. Armando Alcantara, Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico , Mexico
    Armando's main areas of research include politics and policies of higher education, values in education, and comparative education.

Call for submissions is now open

The Congress is designed to be inclusive and welcoming of our common humanity. A call for submissions is now open  on the theme, Fostering Inclusive Ecologies of Knowledge: Education for equitable and sustainable futures.

The final extended submissions deadline is Monday 15 April 2024. However, you are encouraged to submit your proposal as soon as possible for our peer-review process to give a decision. For onsite participation, please download our letter to support your USA visa application from the button below and apply for B1/B2 visa as soon as possible without waiting for a decision about your proposal.