
Global consultation on the first draft of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Neurotechnology

Are we sure that all the relevant research questions for diagnostic and treatment on neurological diseases consider the gender perspective?

Neurotechnology is a fast-expanding field dedicated to understanding the brain and creating technologies that interact with it.

Since neurotechnology can offer promises to address mental health issues, along with so called “wellbeing”, neuromarketing, neurogaming.  Shouldn’t we be thinking about how women and men will be included in the development of these technologies to harness the potential benefits for all? What can be the role of stereotypes in targeting men and women in the applications that are not related to health?

Towards an International Instrument

From June to mid-July 2024, global, regional, sub-regional and national consultations will be conducted by UNESCO in order to collect the views of a wide range of key stakeholders and to incorporate pluralistic perspectives into the first draft of the Recommendation, ensuring an open and inclusive elaboration process.  

Join the Global Consultation by responding to the Online Questionnaire on the first draft of the Recommendation on the Ethics of Neurotechnology. 

Deadline: 12 July 2024

Online questionnaire available here