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Desde su creación, la UNESCO ha tenido un amplio campo de acción para desarrollar un mejor futuro sostenible y la paz en el mundo.

In 2023

  • 82 countries and 1,200 organizations joined the UNESCO-led Greening Education Patnership to get every learner climate-ready 
  • US$ 117 million were raised with the help of 15 international partners, notably the United Arab Emirates and the European Union, for the Revive the Spirit of Mosul flagship initiative, UNESCO's most ambitious reconstruction pkan in decades
  • 10 million km² of land protected by UNESCO designated sites : 748 Biosphere Reserves, 185 Global Geoparks, 1,199 WHC
  • 50,000 Ukrainian teachers have been trained online in digital pedagogy bu UNESCO and Ukraine's Ministry of Education
  • 20 countries have now ratified the Global Convention on Higher Education
  • 29,4% of the world's entire ocean floor is now mapped thanks to the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 project which began in 2017. The map has grown from 22 million to 90 million km² (equal to twice the Asian continent's landmass)
  • 20% of the world's mapped plant and animal species richness, many endangered, are harboured in UNESCO WHC
  • Over 1,600 journalists were killed around the world between 2006 and 2023, and nearly 0 out of 10 of theses cases remain judicially unresolved according to UNESCO's Observatory of Killed Journalists
  • 250 million children and youth are out of school, a 6 million increase since 2021 according to UNESCO latest global estimates
  • 85% of citizens are worried about the impact of online disinformation, according to an IPSOS poll conducted for UNESCO, with over 8,000 respondents in 16 countries where elections will be held in 2024
  • More than 50 countries have worked with UNESCO in designing their national Ethical AI Policies in 2023
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In 2022






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All UNESCO Snapshots

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