Field visit to Viñales, Cuba


Earth Network supports the mobilisation of experts to Viñales, Cuba in the context of its candidature as a UNESCO Global Geopark

Promoting the Geopark concept in Small Island Developing States

The Viñales Geopark, an aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark, is located in the municipalities of Viñales and Minas de Matahambre, in the province of Pinar del Río, Cuba. It covers an area of 283.95 km2, occupying 32.7% and 3.7%, respectively, of the total area of these two municipalities. Earth Network, supported by the Government of Italy, contributed to the mobilisation of geoscience and geotourism experts to support the Viñales Geopark in its candidacy to become a UNESCO Global Geopark. A expert advisory mission was carried out by Helga Chulepin (UNESCO Global Geopark Council) and Carlos Merizalde (National Committee of Geoparks in Ecuador), two geopark experts that believe UNESCO Global Geoparks are ‘... a powerful tool to guide the territory towards sustainable, resilient development with identity.’ This mission took place from 18 to 28 February, supported by the Government of Cuba and the UNESCO Office in Havana.

Experts Helga Chulepin & Carlos Merizalde, mission to Viñales, Cuba - Global Geopark candidate

A part of the aspiring Geopark, the Viñales Valley, has already been designated as a World Heritage Site: surrounded by mountains and dotted with spectacular rocky outcrops, inhabitants of the fertile Viñales Valley continue to practice traditional agricultural techniques, particularly for tobacco production. The richness of its cultural landscape is enhanced by the traditional architecture of its farms and villages, where the characteristics of a particularly rich multi-ethnic society thrive, illustrative of the cultural development of the Caribbean islands in general and Cuba in particular.

Global Geoparks initiative in Small Island Developing States

UNESCO and the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) launched a joint initiative in 2022 to promote the Geopark concept in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). As a result, Cuba and the Viñales Geopark project submitted an application and were awarded a grant, which consists of tailormade advice and support by international experts as well as participation in an exchange programme.

UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. Their bottom-up approach, combining conservation with sustainable development while involving local communities, is increasingly popular.

They stimulate the creation of innovative local enterprises, new jobs and high-quality training courses by creating new sources of revenue through geotourism, while protecting and celebrating the geological heritage of the area. “It is about reconnecting human society at all levels to the planet we all call home and to celebrate how our planet and its 4,600 million year long history has shaped every aspect of our lives and our societies.”

In order for a Geopark to be designated as a UNESCO Global Geopark, four fundamental characteristics must be met:

  • They must have a geological heritage of international value.

  • UNESCO Global Geoparks must have a management body recognised by national legislation.

  • It is essential for the Geopark to have visibility in order to promote geotourism, and thereby promote sustainable local economic development.

  • To have collaboration with other UNESCO Global Geoparks through the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) or and associated regional networks.

Activities conducted and findings

As part of the advisory mission, the two geopark experts undertook nine workshops with the geopark staff and local communities and carried out three field trips. These activities included meetings with the local management team, verifying the diversity of the geoparks geological, natural and cultural heritage, and advising on how to maximise the potential of the Viñales area, for example through improved visiblity of the geopark, and linking cultural, biological, and geological heritage.

Mission to Viñales Cuba - Global Geopark candidate
Mission to Viñales Global Geopark candidate
Mission to Viñales Cuba - Global Geopark candidate
Mission to Viñales Global Geopark candidate
Mission to Viñales Cuba - Global Geopark candidate

The aspiring geopark contains many geoheritage sites of national and international significance, including karst landforms and caves, remarkable fossil sites, and meteorites. The presence of an extensive scientific research community in the territory, a strong relationship with local educational centres, and an extensive network of training centres, will help this aspiring geopark to facilitate geo-education. The region already boasts a strong sustainable tourism industry, thanks in part to its World Heritage designation.

“Viñales Geopark is a good example of sustainable tourism, where the previous UNESCO World Heritage designation has shaped this place based on culture and conservation principles"

Experts Helga Chulepin and Carlos Merizalde

Mission to Viñales Cuba - Global Geopark candidate

The path to UNESCO Global Geopark designation

Achieving designation as a UNESCO Global Geopark is a difficult process that requires the aspiring geopark to meet the highest standards in geoheritage and its connection with natural and cultural heritage. The support of Earth Network is essential for carrying out capacity building activities like this in Small Island Developing States and Africa to support their journey toward designation as a UNESCO Global Geopark.