European Union Regional Teacher Initiative for Africa

European Union Regional Teacher initiative for Africa 

The European Union (EU) launched the Global Gateway strategy to join the efforts of the EU, its member states, and their financial and development institutions towards sustainable and high-quality projects in partner countries between 2021 and 2027. The first deliverable of the Global Gateway is the Africa-Europe Investment Package, concentrating on sustainable investments in infrastructure, health, education and skills, as well as climate change and environment, delivered through different initiatives. 

 The Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa is one of the educational Team Europe Initiatives (TEI) that supports its African partners in providing modern, quality education and training for all children and youth, specifically through focusing on teacher governance and teacher development.  The initiative contributes to regional and national objectives by supporting and complementing national education and teacher reforms. Furthermore, the initiative offers opportunities for cross-country collaboration, partnerships, knowledge sharing and peer learning in the region and with Europe. The initiative consists of three complementary components, implemented by EU member states (Belgium, France, Finland), the African Union Commission (AUC) and UNESCO (including UNESCO IICBA). The total funding for the Regional Teacher Initiative for Africa is 100 million euros for six years, with 92 million euros for the Facility formed by the three EU member states, 5 million euros for UNESCO and 3 million euros for the AUC. 

UNESCO IICBA work under the Regional Teacher Initiative for Africa 

Coming soon.

 Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa 

Within the Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa, the Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa (RFTA) supports the development and implementation of regional and national policies, education and professional development for teachers in sub-Saharan African countries. The first phase of the action is scheduled for three years (2024-2027), implemented by three Agencies of EU Member States: Enabel, Expertise France and The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI). The Facility supports sub-Saharan African countries in ensuring that teacher policies and practices contribute to delivering quality education for all, fostering innovative solutions to enhance teacher competences and skills. The Facility operates through the following three modalities: 


  • Window 1: Governance and Policy: demand-driven technical assistance to support countries in designing, implementing and evaluating national teacher policies and build capacity of Ministries of Education  

  • Window 2: Teacher In/Pre-Service Training and Professional Development: testing and scaling up successful programmes on teacher education and training, including in fragile contexts 

  • Window 3: Research and Production of knowledge on teacher issues: research partnerships on teacher policies, satisfaction and well-being, and evidence for better teacher governance and professional development 


The Facility has three cross-cutting components: knowledge management, communication and MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning).  Knowledge management focuses on enhancing the regional knowledge base and cross-learning opportunities through two main lines:  

  • Strengthening cooperation and amplifying learning through using cross-national, African, European and global knowledge and good practice exchange.  

  • Strengthening cooperation, peer-to-peer exchanges of pedagogical materials and amplifying learning through teacher’s communities of practice/exchange platforms / knowledge production and dissemination.