
Journal of Teaching & Learning in Africa

IICBA is supporting the Africa Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA) to expand and upscale the Journal of Teaching and Learning in Africa (JT&LA), Up to 2023, six volumes of the Journal were published with typically one issue per year focusing on short articles based on papers at the annual AFTRA conference. Starting in 2024, IICBA and AFTRA are jointly publishing the journal with at least two issues per year and full research papers. The journal welcomes contributions all-year and features special issues. Information on the journal can be found on this page as well as on AFTRA’s website. Authors should submit papers through the AFTRA website (https://www.africateaching-authorities.org/). Through IICBA, the revamped journal benefits from support from the European Union under its Regional Teacher Initiative for Africa.

From 2024 onwards, the journal is published jointly by AFTRA and UNESCO IICBA with support through IICBA from the European Union under its Regional Teacher Initiative for Africa and occasionally from other donors for special issues. The relaunch of the journal was announced at the 11th AFTRA Conference and 13th AFTRA Roundtable hosted in May 2024 in Lusaka by the Ministry of Education and the Teaching Council of Zambia. The journal now welcomes high quality papers year-round with at least two issues published per year, including special issues put together by guest editors. Papers are published in open access at no cost to authors. 


Journal cover

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Teaching and Learning in Africa publishes research into matters affecting teachers in Africa and globally with the aim to inform evidence-based teacher policies, including approaches to empower countries to accelerate the level of development of their teaching profession. The journal also publishes research on factors affecting student learning at all levels, from pre-schools to higher education. This includes a focus on the role of teachers and school leaders in improving student performance, but also articles considering other factors affecting learning. Apart foundational learning, due consideration is paid to issues related to education for peace and sustainable development, and the many benefits from education in the labor market and beyond. Empirical as well as conceptual or theoretical papers are welcome. The journal especially welcomes articles that will be of interest not only to researchers, but also to policy makers, teachers, and school leaders, as well as more broadly education stakeholders.

Guidance for Authors

Authors may submit papers online year-round via the journal section on the AFTRA website, ideally also emailing info@africateaching-authorities.org and info.iicba@unesco.org. Selected papers presented at the AFTRA annual conference may still be published in the journal provided they are of high quality. Most papers to be published in the journal will be full length original research articles typically at 5,000 to 8,000 words. Articles from authors from all backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome, but researchers from the Global South including Africa are especially encouraged to submit their work. In selecting papers, both the quality of the paper and its accessibility to a wide readership will be considered. Highly technical papers will not be appropriate for the journal, but in-depth analysis will be welcome, whether using qualitative or quantitative (including statistical and econometric) methods. Discussing the implications for education policies of empirical findings or theoretical analyses is encouraged, but without overstating the relevance of any particular analysis for policy or practice. Country-focused papers as well as cross-country analyses, conceptual or theoretical approaches, and literature reviews will all be featured in the journal, as will case studies. We hope that you will enjoy the new journal and submit your work. Please do not hesitate to contact us, for AFTRA at info@africateaching-authorities.org and for UNESCO IICBA at info.iicnba@unesco.org.


Volume 7, Issue 1: Special Issue on Investing in School Leaders in Africa

Editorial: Expanding the Journal of Teaching and Learning in Africa
Steve Nwokeocha and Quentin Wodon

Investing in school leaders in Africa: Introduction to the special issue
Quentin Wodon

School leadership in Africa: A review of empirical research
Tony Bush, Felix Maringe, Derek Glover, Jef Peeraer, Chantal Dusabe Kabanda, and Jocelyne Cyiza Kirezi

Building consensus on school leadership for quality education in Africa
Jocelyne Cyiza Kirezi, Jef Peeraer, and Chantal Dusabe Kabanda

Professional standards and competencies for teachers and school leaders: A case study for Sierra Leone
Steve Nwokeocha, Aminata Sessay, Hungi Njora, and Quentin Wodon

Academic staff experiences of the promotion processes at the University of Cape Coast
Michael Boakye-Yiadom

Une analyse des capacités de pilotage de la qualité de l’éducation dans cinq pays d’Afrique Subsaharienne
Stéphanie Ermini, Moussa Hamani Ounteni, Emilie Martin et Patrick Nkengne

Reducing dropouts and enabling students to thrive: Leadership initiatives in a secondary school in Burkina Faso
Alexandre Bingo and Quentin Wodon

Leadership strategies for teacher motivation and job satisfaction: Reflections from practice in Nigeria
Antoinette Nneka Opara and Quentin Wodon

Creating a pool of school leaders without borders for Africa: An AFTRA licensure
Steve Nwokeocha

Supporting teachers and school leaders through policy development: Highlights from a review of experiences in African countries
Valerie Djioze-Gallet, Carlos Vargas, and Peter Wallet

From 2024 onwards, the journal is published jointly by AFTRA and UNESCO IICBA with support through IICBA from the European Union under its Regional Teacher Initiative for Africa and occasionally from other donors for special issues. The relaunch of the journal was announced at the 11th AFTRA Conference and 13th AFTRA Roundtable hosted in May 2024 in Lusaka by the Ministry of Education and the Teaching Council of Zambia. The journal now welcomes high quality papers year-round with at least two issues published per year, including special issues put together by guest editors. Papers are published in open access at no cost to authors. 


Journal of Teaching and Learning in Africa