
UNESCO mourns Martine Kah Gauze Touao

It is with great sadness that UNESCO has learned of the death of Ms Martine Kah Gauze Touao, Focal Point for UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme in Côte d'Ivoire, on 4 June 2024.
Martine Kah GAUZE TOUAO is smiling at the camera. She is wearing a white baseball cap, sunglasses, a blue shirt with small white dots, and a necklace with stands of white and red pearls. The photo is framed in black with a thin white line, to signify mourning.

An ardent defender of the cause of women and youth, Ms Touao left her mark on the MAB Programme. She was a founding member of the African Network of Biosphere Reserves (AfriMAB) in 1996 and had chaired the network from 2019 to 2023. We owe it to her remarkable organizational skills that the 6th AfriMAB General Assembly in 2019 in Abidjan was such a success.

Throughout her long association with the MAB Programme, Ms Touao showed unwavering drive and determination in her efforts to promote biosphere reserves in Côte d’Ivoire and across the African continent.  

We have come to appreciate her fine professional qualities, as well as her generosity, her humanism and her constant good humour. We, thus, wish to express our deepest gratitude and to salute the memory of an exceptional woman who will be missed by us all.

Our thoughts are with her family, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy and compassion.