
Sixth International Conference on Learning Cities

3 to 5 December 2024
Aerial Manchester

From 3 to 5 December 2024, the sixth International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC 6) will take place in the UNESCO learning city of Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Under the theme ’Learning cities at the forefront of climate action’ the event will unite representatives of UNESCO learning cities from around the world and related stakeholders to discuss strategies for promoting climate action through lifelong learning.

Cities: Key contributors to CO2 emissions yet catalysts for climate action

Currently responsible for around 75% of global CO2 emissions, cities – and in particular the transport systems and office buildings – play a pivotal role in the world’s response to the climate crisis. In addition to being central to the transformation to inclusive and green economies, cities are also at the forefront of efforts to empower local communities with the knowledge and skills that are needed to break long-established patterns of unsustainable consumption, production and mobility.

UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities: Advancing climate action through lifelong learning

The UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities with its 356 members has a proven track record in promoting climate action through lifelong learning. Its Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Cluster in particular works to develop lifelong learning strategies related to climate change. 

During the ICLC 6, participants – including policy-makers, learning city mayors, lifelong learning and sustainability experts, private-sector representatives, non-governmental organizations, civil society, researchers, educators and United Nations entities – will work together to identify and strengthen lifelong learning policies for climate action, resilience and the establishment of sustainable cities.

Conference structure

Four key themes will be used to guide discussions during the conference:

  • Empowering people to become change agents;
  • Fostering knowledge and skills to build green and climate-resilient cities;
  • Developing strategies for multi-stakeholder coordinated action;
  • Strengthening education institutions and learning environments.


Participation in the ICLC 6 is by invitation only. Registration will open in the coming months through the UIL website.

For enquiries related to the conference, or to register your interest in attending the event, please contact the UNESCO GNLC Coordination Team, at learningcities@unesco.org

The event will be accessible to all interested stakeholders through a livestream.

About UNESCO learning cities

Connecting education, training and cultural institutions and engaging a wide range of partners such as public-sector representatives, civil society organizations and employers is a key feature of UNESCO learning cities. They effectively mobilize resources in every sector to promote inclusive and quality learning, from basic to higher education. They revitalize learning in families and communities and facilitate learning for and in the workplace while extending the use of modern learning technologies.

The Global Network of Learning Cities’ activities on the promotion of climate action are a contribution to UNESCO’s Greening Education Partnership and an instrument for the implementation of the Marrakech Framework for Action, describing lifelong learning as a key lever for equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to address the climate crisis and to empower them to become role models for change. 

Further information

Sixth International Conference on Learning Cities

UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities