Audiobook concept


Solidarity Before Differences: A student-led initiative for visually impaired students at the University of Belgrade

Young creators join forces to provide access to literature – for blind and visually impaired students in Serbia, in the form of audiobooks.

The "Solidarity Before Differences" initiative was launched in 2023 at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade, Serbia, as part of the regional project "Youth 4 Inclusion, Equality and Trust". The initiative began as a public advocacy campaign on social media with the ultimate goal of presenting the issue of a lack of access to literature for blind and visually impaired students to decision-makers with the proposal to produce audio books. 

Historically, the Faculty lacked adequate literature for students with visual impairments, who had to technically adapt literature to their personal needs through the University Library, in a process that was both time-consuming and expensive. Notably, this was an issue that had previously been discussed at the Faculty of Political Sciences, making subsequent advocacy attempts easier and familiar to decision-makers.

Creators of the "Solidarity Before Differences" initiative

The creators of the "Solidarity Before Differences" campaign, Andrea Ikodinović, Vanja Malešević and Nikola Trbojević, were united around the same aim: all students at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade must have equal conditions of education. The student-led team believed that the Faculty of Political Sciences should be an inclusive place, where every student, regardless of obstacles, should have adequate literature to complete their studies. 

Despite being aware of the workload and the impossibility of rapid implementation, the creators sought to assemble all the basic literature for all 4 departments at the Faculty, as well as that of undergraduates. Works on the audio books began in June 2023 at the Faculty’s radio station Slušaonica 6.

Audio book reading

I did not expect so many people to apply for reading audio literature. Great interest was also shown by people who work in sound processing and had space for audio recording. We are very grateful and want to continue in the best possible way with the production of audio books. We believed this initiative would attract people’s attention and I think we have succeeded.

Nikola Trbojević, "Solidarity Before Differences" creator

With the support of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, students promoted the initiative through social media, which had a significant impact on the initial phase of the project. Through effective use of funds, namely advertising activities on social media, greater visibility was achieved, which proved crucial for the successful start of audio book production activities.

Recording began at the Faculty, but they soon realised that the studio’s capacity was limited. “The enthusiasm of volunteers to read, exceeded the capabilities of Slušaonica 6 - we had as many as 150 interested individuals. To accommodate this large response, we sought support from other studios through social media, who could lend us their spaces and equipment,” explained creator Andrea Ikodinović.

Audio book reading 2

Audio literature is probably the most accessible format for blind and visually impaired learners. Not only do live voices read the information, thereby making it more engaging, but the final product also facilitates listening on a wide range of devices. 

Katarina Stanimirović, a visually impaired student at the Faculty of Political Sciences

As Katarina Stanimirović pointed out, “Students can listen to recordings through audio-recorders, mobile phones, mp3 players, leaving their computer free for note-taking. This aspect is important to make it easier to rewind sentences without interference from the sounds of the speech software we typically use. Professional audio books will undoubtedly facilitate learning for the blind on multiple levels.”

Vanja Malešević, one of the creators, emphasised that the original goal exceeded the resources available and they could not foresee the extent of the workload nor the time necessary to read the entire collection of literature. “Additional resources are required in order to realise such an extensive project and would make the production of audio books significantly more efficient,” she stated. Nevertheless, the students are very proud of the 3 audiobooks created so far and which are currently in the editing process. Besides, they have also recorded and edited shorter texts and an additional 7 textbooks are currently being read by volunteers in studios.

Audio book reading 3

I am really proud that this idea was initiated by journalism students. Empathy makes the world a more beautiful place for the coexistence of different individuals. Literature that accommodates visually impaired students allows them to be equally included in the academic community of which they are a part. 

Aleksandra Ugrinić, mentor from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade

Beyond that, meeting the educational needs of people with disabilities enhances the opportunities offered by the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade and can produce a domino effect on other university faculties,” noted Aleksandra Ugrinić.

The United Nations initiative “Youth 4 Inclusion, Equality and Trust”, is financed by the UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund and implemented by UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA and UN Women. The main goal of the regional initiative is to empower young people to engage in constructive narratives, strengthen intercultural dialogue, inclusion and gender equality, and to create mutual understanding and trust, while enhancing the role of youth in promoting increased comprehension and respect for diversity in the region.