

Moroccan oases: On the other side of the mirage

Photos: Seif Kousmate

Text: Katerina Markelova, UNESCO

A rising star in Moroccan photography, Seif Kousmate documents life as it is today in the oases of southern Morocco. His project Waha (oasis in Arabic) takes us far beyond the trite clichés and fantasized representations of these oases.

To reveal the degradation of these fragile ecosystems, the former engineer does not merely show it. He uses the creative possibilities of photography to give concrete form to the evils that plague these islands of life. Some of his photos are burned, corroded with acid, taking a striking shortcut between the medium of the image and its subject: the oases, victims of intensive agriculture and climate change, prey to drought and silting. 

In the space of a generation, the oasis areas have indeed changed their physiognomy: the palm groves have been stripped of vegetation, the soil has cracked from lack of water, endangering the extraordinary biodiversity of these areas, which still shelter more than two million inhabitants and most of the animal species of Morocco*. Kousmate's work shows the beauty of this fragile world that can still be saved. “As long as there continues to be life in these places”, he assures us, "there is the hope we can preserve them”.

Akka oasis, February 2021.
Ahmed collecting seaweed to facilitate the arrival of water in the Tighmert oasis irrigation system, September 2020.
Hassan (left) and his brother Abderrahman live in the oasis of Tighmert. After their father passed away in 2013, Hassan left school to take care of his family. The younger brother Abderrahman does not see his future in the oasis. September 2020.
Poem composed by Ibrahim Rajeaa, a resident of the Tighmert oasis. It tells of the suffering of the inhabitants and the deterioration of the oasis. September 2020.
Ali is one of the last craftsmen in the Akka oasis to continue the traditional cob construction. February 2021.
Alifal cleaning the irrigation gallery in the Tighmert Oasis in September 2020.
Portrait of Ilyas, Aguinane Oasis, February 2021.
Akka oasis, February 2021.

*Since 2000, the oases of southern Morocco have been part of the UNESCO world network of biosphere reserves.


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January-March 2023