More than stones and buildings, built heritage is a precious link with history and a vital component of our identity as peoples. Protected by our related Conventions, we're working with our partners to monitor and assess the state of heritage under threat across the globe.
Illicit trafficking of cultural objects not only threatens heritage, but also provides a source of funding for extremist groups. Supported by the recent UN Security Council Resolution 2199, we've built a global coalition of partners dedicated to ensuring that objects cannot be moved across borders and are implementing training and assistance programmes on the ground.
Cultural heritage also includes intangible forms such as performance, knowledge and cultural traditions, which must be safeguarded alongside built heritage. It's the diversity of cultural expressions that form the basis of the rich fabric of human civilisation.
We proudly stand against the kinds of extremist narratives that call for attacks on cultural diversity and tolerance. We're working to ensure young people can use the Internet without risk of radicalization, and to counter online hate speech through media and information literacy.