The Bureau of Human Resources Management (HRM) acts as a strategic partner by developing and implementing Human Resources Strategies, policies, tools to support the Organization’s in meeting its mandate and objectives.

HRM also manages services such as recruitment, training, entitlements, staff relations necessary for the efficient delivery of programmes and staff well-being.

Why join us?

In constantly evolving societies, UNESCO's mission is more relevant than ever, tackling global cultural, social, ethical, scientific and communication challenges on a daily basis.

UNESCO is making a difference.  Join our team and make a difference too. Be part of a united community of nations.


For more information see:


  UNESCO at a glance brochure


Où sommes-nous?

UNESCO has a worldwide presence with 65 Field Offices and Institutes. Its Headquarters are in Paris. More than 2000 employees of about 170 nationalities currently work for the Organization.


Il a été porté à notre attention que des avis de vacances de postes frauduleux ont été envoyés, souvent par email, à des particuliers au nom de l'UNESCO et du Fonds international pour la diversité culturelle (FIDC). Veuillez noter que ni l'UNESCO ni le FIDC ne sont responsables de l'envoi de ces avis de vacances de postes qui sont des faux.

Nous saisissons cette occasion pour vous rappeler que l'UNESCO ne perçoit de frais à aucune des étapes du processus de recrutement.