E-9 Initiative
Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan are the nine most highly-populated countries of the South. They represent more than 60 per cent of the world’s population, over two-thirds of the world’s illiterate adults and over half of the world’s out-of-school children. Their education systems thus face similar challenges.
The E-9 Initiative is a forum for these nine high-population countries to discuss their experiences in education, exchange best practices and monitor progress on achieving Education for All (EFA). Since its launch in 1993, the E-9 network has also become a powerful lobby for EFA and South-South cooperation.
During the biennial E-9 Ministerial Review Meetings and expert meetings, country representatives focus on a specific theme for a two-year period, discuss measures to strengthen cooperation between E-9 countries on EFA, and explore ways that E-9 countries can support other countries of the South.
UNESCO’s EFA team and the rotating E-9 Secretariat facilitate and coordinate the work of the E-9 network. In addition, the countries each have a designated E-9 focal point to facilitate liaison and organization of meetings.