A propos de la ville créative: 
Located both on Santa Catarina Island and on the mainland, Florianopolis is known as “Brazil’s Quality of Life Capital”, the “Best Brazilian City for Entrepreneurship” and “Brazil’s Oyster Capital”.
Florianopolis’s designation as UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy is as an extraordinary incentive for the city to promote sustainable development through the cultural industries and thus contribute to attracting investments and qualified human resources.
Florianopolis is committed to implementing two major innovative actions leading to the creation of the Gastronomy Observatory and the Cultural Innovation Lab. The first is designed to collect, analyze and make available information and knowledge from the gastronomy sector meanwhile the second will work on transversal actions combining crafts, design and gastronomy. Florianopolis is also engaged in formulating and implementing public policies for the development of the local creative economy. In particular, the city is focusing on the gastronomy sector, technical cooperation and exchange projects, as well as research and training programmes. 
Valeur ajoutée: 
As a Creative City of Gastronomy, Florianopolis envisages:
  • producing an annual food festival with the participation of "guest chefs" from other creative cities;
  • creating a biennial award given to the best restaurants in Florianopolis based on criteria that encourage the improvement of services and products;
  • publishing an annual guide of Florianopolis’s gastronomic offerings;
  • conducting, in parallel with the fifth Brazilian Design Biennial to be held in 2015, a workshop with experts on the theme of creative cooperation linking design, crafts, gastronomy and tourism. The goal is to design, develop and offer to the city's bars and restaurants innovative tools for the preparation and presentation of typical gastronomic dishes;
  • creating the Gastronomy Observatory intended to widen the circulation of information related to the food chain through the production, analysis and global dissemination of data; and
  • expanding academic exchange programmes for students from schools of gastronomy and professionals from the industry.
Membre depuis: 
Elizenia Prado Becker Florianopolis Tourism Municipal Department zenabecker@gmail.com