The Faith and Hope Association (FAHA) in the Seychelles carried out a media campaign to advocate for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS and to help reduce stigma and discrimination.
Who's involved?
Project leader: Reginale Hoereau
Lead organisation: The Faith and Hope Association (FAHA)
Other organisations: UNAIDS; AIDS Right Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA); UNDP; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Education; NGO’s such as CARE, HIV/AIDS support Organization (HASO); Youth Department; Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation; Other media and local newspapers.
Timeframe: November 2010-September 2011
- To make the general public more aware about HIV/AIDS issues
- To reduce the negative attitudes towards those infected by using accounts from people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.
- Awareness in schools, the workplace and the community
- Development of IEC materials (1000 leaflets and 500 posters explaining the rights of a person living with HIV/AIDS)
- Advocacy for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS through media with the production of a variety show
- Regular monitoring of the project by the project coordinator over a period of one year
The project improved knowledge amongst youth on HIV/AIDS, helped them to adopt a positive attitude towards those living with the virus and to reflect on their sexual behavior and safe practices.
Final Report [PDF]