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PROJETS VIH/SIDA Océans Atlantique et Indien Cape Verde - Young People Against HIV/AIDS

Cape Verde - Young People Against HIV/AIDS

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The Association Djunta Mô Pa Tchada Grande and a number of local partners, Lourenço Andrade organised a successful HIV/AIDS awareness campaign in Cape Verde revolving around soccer and basketball tournaments that were followed by a conference on HIV/AIDS.

Who's involved?

Project leader: Elisabeth Fernandes et Lourenço Andrade

Lead organisation: Association «Djunta mo pa Tchada Grande»

Other organisations: Praia town council; CEJ (Youth Centre); Youth Management


  • Build relationships amongst youth
  • Circulate information on HIV/AIDS in an effective and entertaining manner
  • Provide real life examples


  • Organising a basketball and football tournament for youth
  • Distribution of educational material
  • Organising a post-tournament conference
  • Viewing of a film on HIV/AIDS
  • Debates
  • Quiz competitions
  • Dance performances


Concerning the public, we would say that 99% of the participants were young people who are studing, working or on welfare. This type of activity has never before been held in Cape Verde so the impact is clear. We noticed that some participants came from other regions of the capital city of Praia to take part in the event. According to the terms of the contract and given the impact of this activity, we intend to hold these same activities next August.


Project Report [.pdf 56Kb]