A 2-day workshop focussing on HIV/AIDS and Life Skills, an initiative spearheaded by the young people of Dakuivuna Village, Wainibuka in the province of Tailevu.
Who's involved?
Project leader: Luisa Senibulu
Lead organisation: Dakuivuna Youth Group
Other organisations: Dakuivuna Village Council; Ministry of Youth and Sports, Fiji Adolescent Health and Development Unit, Korovou Hospital; NGOs that will supply IEC materials for our participants like Marie Stopes International
Timeframe: February - December 2009
- To provide a forum where HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections issues were openly discussed and shared;
- To enhance rural youth (and parents) understanding and knowledge about the realities and facts surrounding HIV/AIDS and STIs;
- To provide capacity building opportunities for young people through life skills training so that these young people appreciate and value the importance of effective youth participation in village, provincial and national youth programs
- To promote the involvement of rural youth in advocacy activities as an effective tool in fighting HIV/AIDS
Dakuivuna Village is approximately a two hour drive from Suva and is located in the Tikina of Wainibuka in the interior of the Province of Tailevu. There are 50 households altogether in the village with a population of about 250 people (excludes villagers residing in the major urban areas).
Final Report [PDF 71Kb]
Project Proposal [PDF 39Kb]