Please visit the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) website;a primary source for cross-nationally statistics on education, science and technology, culture, and communication for more than 200 countries and territories.
Public access to information is a key component of UNESCO's commitment to transparency and its accountability vis-à-vis stakeholders. UNESCO recognizes that there is a positive correlation between a high level of transparency through information sharing and public participation in UNESCO-supported activities.
The UNESCO transparency portal has been designed to enable public access to information about the Organization's activities across sectors, countries, and regions, accompanied by some detail on budgetary and donor information. We see this as a work in progress. Our objective is to enable access to as much quality data about our activities as possible. The portal will be regularly updated and improved.
The transparency portal was developed by Zimmerman & Zimmerman in cooperation with Akvo. The underlying technology OIPA provides IATI publishers with a clean and open source codebase for handling aid development data.
Please contact us at for your questions.
UNESCO's work with statistics
What data is available at UNESCO?
This portal publishes project data in accordance with the IATI Activity Standard. To find out more about UNESCO’s history, mandate, work and partners, please visit our public website.
IATI Activity Standard
UNESCO reports to the IATI Registry under the licensing option: Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL), and the Organization's IATI file can be found by clicking here. Our IATI dashboard can be accessed via this link.
IATI Organizational Standard
In addition to publishing its current activities, UNESCO also publishes its aggregate budget for a biennium, as well as links to relevant programmatic and financial documents. These two distinct sets of information are published on the IATI registry, respectively based on the IATI Activity Standard and the IATI Organization Standard.
The Organization's total budget for the 2014-2015 biennium is $1,055,397,000. This amount corresponds to the $653 million approved budget for the regular activities financed by Member States and an estimate of $463 million for extra-budgetary activities financed from Voluntary Contributions.
Relevant programmatic and financial documents include the C/4 (Medium-Term Strategy), C/5 (Programme and Budget for the biennium quadrennium), C/3 (Report of the Director-General 2010-2011) , EX4 (Monitoring Report), the Annual Report and the audited financial statements. The organization file is updated annually.