Last April, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia (MoEYS) and the IBE with the support of Malaysia, organized a policy-dialogue workshop with the view to fostering female participation in STEM education. Key stakeholders from inside and outside the educational system agreed upon a roadmap made by three priority areas: i) infusing STEM philosophy and policy into the new curriculum framework with a gender perspective; ii) production of teaching and learning resources (printed and online) to support the development of STEM nation-wide; and iii) raising public awareness for the girls’ involvement in STEM (crucially the role of women/role models).
As a follow- up activity, MoEYS and the IBE with the support of Malaysia, organize a series of working sessions (4-6 July 2016) with the national team to further mainstream gender-sensitive STEM education into the curricula, syllabi, pedagogy and teaching and learning materials. Guidelines will be elaborated to support the curriculum design and development process of STEM education at large. Likewise, a second round of policy dialogue will be carried out (7 July 2016) engaging senior officers across the ministries as well as other partners and donors and with the view to further discuss and agree upon a shared vision and understanding of STEM policy and curricula in light of the development challenges of the Cambodian society.