Partnering with UNESCO
UNESCO offers a range of different entry points for partnerships. These are all areas where the Organization has leadership, recognized expertise and comparative advantage. They also correspond to UNESCO's top priorities.
- Coordination and advocacy for EFA
- Education for Sustainable Deveopment
- Monitoring Global Education Development
Natural Sciences
- Supporting Water Security
- Strengthening capacity-building and innovation in science and technology
- Sustainable development and biosphere conservation
Social and Human Sciences
- Building capacities to protect, promote and transmit heritage
- Fostering creativity and the diversity of cultural expressions
- Protecting heritage at risk
- Promoting shared history and memory for reconciliation and dialogue
Communication & Information
- Media Pluralism including the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)
- UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists
- Memory of the World Programme (MOW)
- Open Solutions via ICTs for building knowledge societies
- ICTs for Persons living with Disabilities
Priority Africa
- Promoting a culture of peace and non-violence
- Strengthening education systems for sustainable development
- STI and knowledge for the sustainable socio-economic development of Africa
- Sustainable management of Africa’s natural resources
- Harnessing the power of culture for sustainable development and peace in a context of regional integration
- Promoting an environment conducive to freedom of expression and media development
Crisis and Transition
Partnering with UNESCO - CAP Brochure in English
Partenariat avec l'UNESCO - Brochure CAP en Français
Cooperación con la UNESCO – Folleto CAP en Español