UNESCO promotes the concept of Knowledge Societies which are inclusive, pluralistic, equitable, open, and participatory. In the framework of this concept, UNESCO advocates the rights and needs of persons with disabilities and fosters access to information and knowledge through effective use of ICTs that are accessible, adaptive, and affordable.
Furthermore, UNESCO, as one of the specialized UN agencies, promotes and supports the implementation of the UNCRPD and reaffirms that all persons, with all types of disability, can enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms. A number of the UNCRPD principles are linked to UNESCO's core mandate and actions. UNESCO believes that in the areas of its competence, the Organization has a moral duty to work towards the removal of all barriers preventing the meaningful participation of people with disabilities in their respective societies, and is committed to investing its expertise and efforts to unlock their vast potential.
The Organization believes that ICTs are particularly effective tools in the outreach to marginalized communities, both in terms of accessing information and knowledge and in encouraging participation in the development of ICT content and applications by persons with disabilities.
UNESCO is also committed to the implementation of the Plan of Action adopted by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which includes two important areas for persons with disabilities, namely access to information and knowledge and capacity building.
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