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Las Tunas: Women and sustainable development in local media contents

Year when project approved: 
Approved budget: 
US$15 165.00


Drawing from Media Development Indicators’ Category 3 (indicators 3.2 and 3.11) and from all indicators included in Category B1of the Gender-Sensitive Media Indicators, the project aims to study the prevailing approach to gender and social diversity in the discourse on local development broadcasted by provincial and municipal radios stations in Las Tunas province. It also intends to characterize the participation of women and disadvantaged groups in communicative production and to describe the main perceptions showed by audiences regarding the portrayal of this topic on radio contents, all with the goal to make recommendations to overcome the identified limitations or extending good practices, thus to foster diversity in the local media, particularly as acknowledged by gender dimensions.


As part of the research, several in-place meetings will be organized: an initial one day consultative meeting to fine-tune the project and methodology, a two-day workshop for training enumerators and a three-day validation workshop including local media and other local stakeholders to discuss preliminary findings. Also, a national seminar will be held in Havana for launching the final publication and to promote knowledge sharing and raise awareness among national media and other national stakeholders. It will facilitate research findings to be widely shared with a knowledge-driven approach aiming at having a positive impact on local media development in the country at large.


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Project details
IPDC Bureau meeting nº: 

Implementation status :

Project evaluated:

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Budget code: 

Source of funds:

Beneficiary name: 
Las Tunas Delegation of the Cuban Journalists Union
Beneficiary description: 

Las Tunas Delegation of the Cuban Journalists Union is the provincial body of the Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (Cuban Journalists Union, UPEC for its acronyms in Spanish). This is a non-governmental professional and social organization, established on 15 July 1963. Among its general objectives and obligations are: to defend journalists in the legal and ethical practice of the profession, to support the fair access to sources and to contribute to journalists training.


The organization has provincial delegations, which are responsible for supporting local members in their daily work. The delegation of Las Tunas brings together more than a hundred journalists.

Beneficiary country:

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Location and contacts
Responsible UNESCO Regional advisers: 

Isabel Viera, Program Officer, Communication and Information: i.viera@unesco.org

UNESCO Field Office:

Project contacts: 

Adalys Ray Haines, President of Las Tunas Delegation of the Cuban Journalists Union and UNESCO Office in Havana

Project place: 
Las Tunas, Cuba