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CCIVS at a glance
In 1987, the UN Secretary-General, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar designated CCIVS as a "Messenger of Peace".
Working for the development and coordination of international voluntary service worldwide since 1948.
200 members in more than 80 countries across the globe.
Associate status with UNESCO.
Elected member of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee.
CCIVS Newsletters
Recruitment – TWO Service Civique Volunteers
CCIVS 2015 in numbers
C2P Peace Builders Training Course
2016 Highlights
World Heritage Volunteers 2016
Click here to visit project's website
Raising Peace
From Grassroots Actions to Global Campaigns promoting Peace and Human Rights
IVS against Climate Change
Click here to read the Declaration and the Map of Actions
From Vision to Action
Growing Capacities for Change in the IVS Movement
2010 Highlights
CCIVS appears in the Secretary General's report of the UN
Photos & Videos
World Heritage Volunteers...
World Heritage Volunteers - ca...
World Heritage Volunteers...
IMPACT project
World Heritage Volunteers - CS...
World Heritage Volunteers...
1, rue Miollis
75015 Paris France
Tel: (33 1) 45 68 49 36
CCIVS maintains:
official relations with UNESCO,
special consultative status with ECOSOC,
liaison status with FAO.
With the support of World Heritage Centre.
CCIVS works in cooperation with and with the support of :