UNESCO Statistics


Institute for Statistics is the official source for internationally-comparable data on education, R&D, culture, communication & SDGs

Montreal, Canada
Inscrit en avril 2011


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    16 mai

    ., the official and trusted source for comparable education data to monitor

  2. il y a 11 minutes

    We have a pragmatic and unified approach to measuring learning globally. Read the blog

  3. il y a 42 minutes

    Natural sciences & agriculture are the main fields of R&D employing most in Africa

  4. il y a 1 heure

    Attention ! 264M children & youth are still -of-school

  5. il y a 2 heures

    can cut poverty rates in half globally

  6. il y a 22 heures

    Major leap forward on the global reporting of learning – read the blog by

  7. il y a 22 heures
  8. il y a 23 heures

    Explore the data on girls' education with our eAtlas on gender disparities

  9. a retweeté
    12 juil.

    Why the stepping-stone approach could be the answer to measuring learning across the world. Blog by

  10. il y a 23 heures

    We could cut global poverty in half if all adults had secondary edu but rates stagnate

  11. a retweeté
    10 juil.

    Secondary education could halve global poverty. But basic education comes first. Report from

  12. a retweeté
    12 juil.
  13. 12 juil.
  14. 12 juil.

    We are moving towards gender parity in rates but inequalities persist at regional & country levels

  15. 11 juil.
  16. 11 juil.

    Sub-Saharan Africa remains region w/ highest rates for all age groups

  17. 10 juil.

    NEW DATA: Private sector funds 60% of all R&D activity in North America

  18. 10 juil.

    Youth are + 4x more likely to be as children & 2x more likely than adolescents

  19. 10 juil.

    Partners call for greater support of Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

  20. 10 juil.
  21. 8 juil.

    131M girls are not in primary or secondary school. We need to call on leaders to &data producers

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