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The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for implementing the policy‐related required activities for local education agencies awarded funding under Strategy 2: School‐Based HIV/STD Prevention. The intended outcome of these activities is to increase the number of funded states and districts that track policy implementation and educate decision makers on policy solutions. There is a separate document for funded state education agencies, with guidance on implementing their specific 1308 policy‐related required activities.
The School Health Programme was established in 1986 by the Ministry of Education (MoE) in order to give an additional impetus to the health issues related to school children. The programme includes medical screening of children, health education and awareness on various health issues through core curricular and co-curricular activities, and provision of health information for teachers and parents. …
The purpose of this paper is to provide an up-to-date literature review on school feeding and the potential impact on nutrition, including school age children, pre-school and adolescent girls. The review is aimed at providing evidence-based guidance to national governments on school feeding and nutrition from a lifecycle approach. The review seeks to consolidate the existing evidence, analyse what this evidence translates into in terms of programming, and understand the potential of improving nutrition through school feeding programmes globally. …
Background: Health promotion provides a key opportunity to empower young people to make informed choices regarding key health-related behaviours such as tobacco and alcohol use, sexual practices, dietary choices and physical activity. This paper describes the evaluation of a pilot School Youth Health Nurse (SYHN) Program, which aims to integrate a Registered Nurse into school communities to deliver health promotion through group education and individual sessions. Methods: The evaluation was guided by the RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance) framework. …
This guide is composed of 8 units. Unit 1 defines life skills, Unit 2 deals with self-esteem, Unit 3 helps understand decision making, Unit 4 provides guidance on solving problems, Unit 5 focuses on communication, Unit 6 deals with emotions and stress management, Unit 7 gives instructions on goal setting, Unit 8 provides solutions to exercises.
The overall goal of the Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) Programme is to realise the education rights of vulnerable children in the SADC region through schools becoming inclusive centres of learning, care and support. The National Support Pack has been developed to guide the Department of Basic Education to mainstream the CSTL Programme throughout all South African schools. It brings together information, best-practice examples, tools and case studies of effective care and support practice in schools. …
The National Life Skills Education Programme is designed to assist in building positive and noble character (virtue) as well as confidence, enthusiasm and discipline (morale) in our citizens for the betterment of our country. By developing awareness and understanding they will be better prepared to move forward in life for the holistic development of themselves and others. This will be most effective when a sense of responsibility as part of the whole is developed, together with a vision of building a civilized society that is harmonious, just, productive and respected. …
This National Child and Adolescent Health Policy will cover children and adolescents ranging from 0-18 years of age. This document will provide the framework for the planning, management, delivery, monitoring, and evaluation of services targeted at improving and maintaining child and adolescent health for all these specific age groups in Samoa. …
This report provides results from the School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS) conducted in 2012. Chapter 1 provides background and introduction to the report. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the methods used in the study. Chapter 3 reports results on health education, Chapter 4 reports results on physical education and activity, Chapter 5 reports results on health services, Chapter 6 reports results on mental health and social services, and Chapter 7 reports results on nutrition services and the school nutrition environment. …
Schools, health agencies, parents, and communities share a common goal of supporting the link between healthy eating, physical activity, and improved academic achievement of children and adolescents. Evidence shows that the health of students is linked to their academic achievement, so by working together, we can ensure that young people are healthy and ready to learn. …
There is a growing body of research focused on the association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance among school-aged youth. To better understand these connections, this review includes studies from a range of physical activity contexts, including school-based physical education, recess, classroom-based physical activity (outside of physical education and recess), and extracurricular physical activity. …
In preparation for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development in July 2015, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) commissioned SEEK Development to conduct an evaluation of the costs and benefits of education from a health perspective. Such a study is very relevant in light of ongoing discussions around the Sustainable Development Goals and post-2015 development agenda, which emphasize the need for a stronger focus on the broader determinants of health. The study is organized around three interconnected workstreams. …
This guidance has been devised to support local authorities and schools, and managers of grant-aided schools, in working with partner agencies to meet the duty to ensure that all schools are health promoting. The guidance provides signposting to the policy framework that is already in place. While this guidance is aimed at local authorities and their schools, and managers of grant-aided schools, it will be of interest to all partners involved in aspects of health promotion for the benefit of children and young people. …
Research evidence shows that education and health are closely linked. So promoting the health and wellbeing of pupils and students within schools and colleges has the potential to improve their educational outcomes and their health and wellbeing outcomes. This briefing draws on a rapid review approach that provides a broad, succinct scope of the scientific evidence. The complexity of the interrelationships between outcomes makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions about causality. …
This report evaluates current practice in the aspects of health and wellbeing that are the responsibility of all staff and adults who work with learners. It identifies good practice and highlights important areas for further discussion and development. The report comes at a time when Scottish schools are taking forward Curriculum for Excellence and the findings reflect this changing landscape. Curriculum for Excellence provides a strong focus on health and wellbeing. …